
God how I hated Joffrey! Look at the grin on the little fucker! Joffrey deserved the Oberyn treatment, not Pedro Pascal.

People like that don’t get invited to parties, they get invited to rallies. Key difference.

God, so now we depend on MLB teams to be the moral arbiters saying it isn’t okay to diddle kids?

That’s a hell of a kink. Much younger, bordering on illegal, girls who share your name and might be related to you (and if not let’s pretend)? But if the internet has taught us anything, it’s that everything and everyone is somebody’s fetish.

I’m disappointed in boy Madison’s naivete and stunning lack of imagination. The girlfriend is supposed to live in Canada or at least go to a nearby school your friends haven’t heard of. And you sure as hell don’t give her the same name as you have, first or last! Does he even know how fake girlfriends work?

Now playing

If they were the result of a science fair experiment in teleportation that went awry, does that make it gross? Kinky? And if they go on to get married do we get something like Cletus and Brandine’s marriage?

C’mon, now you’re just trolling. Everybody knows that there aren’t any girls on the internet! Try harder next time.

I’ll never get tired of Obama being both a fascist and a communist. The right in America gave up on words actually meaning things a long time ago. Very few of the people slinging around ‘liberal’ or ‘socialist’ as an insult have any clue about what those mean. They’re just a label that means, ‘I don’t like you, you’re

“Now do you see why you boys aren’t ready for a puppy? It isn’t like a conference final; you have to take care of it yourselves every day.”

I hope neither of you dedicate it to Isiah Thomas and his inability to ball due to injuries.

I’m happy for it since this asshole was going to kill it anyway. At least the elephant got a little revenge at the end.

I wasn’t paying close attention to Chicago’s weather, but here in north central Indiana we had storms all afternoon that got even worse in the evening. It doesn’t strike me as crazy to postpone if they thought they’d catch some of what was hitting a bit to the east.

What the hell are you talking about? The language is called American because we invented it. Those tea drinking pussies in England had nothing to do with it.

This is part of the war on men. A Cox and a Dick were fired, what more proof do you need?!

This wouldn’t have happened if Trump were president at the time. The man has a very clear record and has always defended the grabbing of genitals.

I think we’ve seen the climax of the case now. The guy must be glad to finally be released from all the stress; the whole situation was probably making him feel feel pretty blue.

It might even scare that wild animal off his head. I think we’d all like to see that.

COTD right here.