
The fact that GOP candidates are pro-life and pro-2nd Amendment are how they retain a voter base that’s not super-rich. All they have to do is keep people armed and make abortions as difficult as possible and working class folks will continue to vote for them, while they take it in the tailpipe from a tax and

That may be why I despise it so much . . . I abhor the phony “down home” veneer of wealthy southerners. And not so wealthy southerners. And poor southerners.

I fucking hate when grown men refer to their fathers as their “daddies,” but I’m willing to forgive whatever sack of shit said it in this context. Fuck that used condom inflated with gin farts.

I was scared of going to hell when I was kid, but this poor little bastard is going to be anticipating the onset of ALS his whole life . . . nice job, Mom! She should have gone with Stan Musial.

No issues with Team Puerto Rico’s style of play, pride in their team, etc., but this shit is nothing more than them being sore-ass losers. If Team USA had printed victory shirts, you can bet dollars to donuts Team PR would have been red-assed over it too . . . it’s time-honored tradition of playing with a chip on your

Why should he get shit for this comment? Most BMore fans identify with an outmoded “working class” type of mentality. He probably used Trumbo since we did sign him in the offseason, and he’s the type of guy that our fan base likes, keeps his head down, plays hard, etc. I’m not a Duquette/O’s apologist, I just don’t

Marchman and me.

Wow you must know some smart people . . . whenever I debate a RW’er all they do is call me a snowflake, create some vague moral equivalency to something Obama (may have done), and then wrap it up by telling me to get over the loss. Sad!

He sort of seems like he might be kind of an asshole

What bothers me most is the dullards that eat this shit up, “He’s a simple boy!” These are the same jackanapes that think 45 is christian

Awww shucks, middle america and christians! Look at what a simple god-fearing boy I am!

I hate his face

Ugh, fuck these self-important assholes and their ridiculous photo spreads. Congrats, your cock and balls work right, and your lady has a fertile womb. WHO GIVES A SHIT?

There’s no player, current or former, that I’d like to hang out with and send dick pics to massage therapists than Brett Favre. It takes GRIT to send a shot of your hog to a young woman. ‘Merca!
