I'll bet you one billion dollars that her leather jacket does not impede her in the books.
I just think it's funny that leather is considered an inferior choice to spandex in a discussion over comic book superhero costumes.
That's why we outfit our military in spandex.
"these days"? I feel like it's always been that way. Am I wrong?
Okay, point taken, but many fans seem to take the idea of canon to a level of granularity that never existed.
You could really say the same about any sufficiently well-established fictional character, though. Storytellers like putting fresh spins on familiar characters, and audiences like seeing these characters in a new light.
I always found it strange that so many fans of comics are put off by deviations from "canon", considering the fact that this story-telling convention has ALWAYS been so fluid, and re-imaginings have ALWAYS been part of the development of characters.
All the way down.
Never forget.
Too soon!
Like, people actually sought out Liefeld books? It didn't just happen that he drew storylines people wanted?
How did he get so much work? Was it just a shitty time for comics budgets, or what?
This is the most honest HateSong I've ever read, in that HateSong has always been just a gimmick to interview someone promoting something.
If this experiment in monetizing grousing takes off, it will give many of us hope.
Today’s word is “rectitude,” which is defined as “the quality of being buried up and/or talking out of one's ass.”
"I think it looks nice." —Tina Belcher
Cleft, the Boy Chin Wonder:
There are no butt-chins there. I was promised butt-chins.