
No no no.

Silly boy, don't you know feminism is for girls only?

I invented Netflix before DVDs were even ubiquitous. I'm glad someone far less lazy than me actually did it and made it work.

I haven't seen that, but even most plots I've seen that center on rooting out corrupt officials or ousting bad leaders seem to revolve around the theme that One China is what's most important, and these leaders are positioned as barriers to that ideal. Is that not the case here? (I'll have to check it out either way.)

If you read geopolitics into non-Chinese movies, you often get similarly awful results. I think we're just sensitive to it in Chinese movies because they're commies.

We'd rather get no ticket revenue than risk getting less than all ticket revenue.

I want Slenderman undies.

Pretty savvy crappy book marketing.

But what about SheForMe???

Easy to hate when you have Google Fiber.

Which happens to fall smack in the middle of the series.

Oh shit, now I'm down the Bill Burr Youtube rabbit hole.

But he's a genius, and he deserves to have everyone recognize that!

I never thought he was talentless, but I have always thought he's incredibly over-rated and that most music critics and fans who gush over his importance and analyze the depths of his artistic merit seem to be ignorant of vast swaths of rap music.

I wish I could find the clip of Louis CK from his most recent tour talking about how when you reach a certain age, you realize you don't actually have to stand up just because someone with a microphone tells you to.

I had almost the same conversation, except my response was "Just the lesbian sex scene!"

Sometimes I click on things just to get them in my Recently Watched history for my wife to find.

While I don't enjoy it nearly enough that I'd put it on to watch myself, it's one of a VERY few shows my kid watches that I actually find entertaining. I love it for that. There's a depth and craftsmanship to it that is very appealing.

Don't forget the speculum!

I know, but even still he still talks about self-esteem a lot and seems put upon. I don't think he gets it that self-esteem has little to do with external success.