Sometimes it feels like he’s been an asshole and a dummy for many lifetimes…
Sometimes it feels like he’s been an asshole and a dummy for many lifetimes…
Your mask continues to slip.
Just to be clear you both think that this is an appropriate thing for the President to do, and not only that the fact that Obama didn’t tweet out petty childish bullshit is the reason Trump won in 2016? Interesting take.
Who does meth in 2019?
I installed this on my boyfriend’s laptop not long ago. About a month later, he called me into the living room and looked very upset.
Sparing? You start with 15 of those spirit things and can increase your max. as well as randomly find them off of corpses.
Oh is that where they get their 1 billion memes they slather all over Facebook and other sites? “The left can’t make memes.” “Yeah, well that’s because were are busy posting damn facts and figures and science while you guys are posting poorly-Photoshopped images that are barely coherent and definitely not as funny as…
Guns: the gift that keeps taking.
“Your dead child is the price you have to pay for me to have a gun.”
This is absolutely heartbreaking, and even more so because kids getting killed at school doesn’t seem to have any affect on changing the silly antiquated laws of this stupid country.
In other words, the “Israel Strategy.”
I can’t wait to see how the right wing nutjobs try calling the Jew anti-Semitic for daring to criticize Israel.
Virtually every white American benefits from racism that’s been happening right up to the present day.
This... person... wants the country to be praised for being the first to end slavery in 150 years?
Given that we do not even teach the Trail of Tears in most K-12 programs, and both the Holocaust and West African Slave Trade are being either removed from or significantly softened in K-12 texts, this kind of thing is only going to get worse.
It’s a funny thing, working in academia: you’re surrounded by other highly…
Yeah, I think it’s jehrry nehllificehtion.
“When have you been discriminated against?”
omg how dare you speak out against Israel