
Yeah, about that...Someone I know uses a bot to secure resell product was able to preorder 21 PS5s from Best Buy, while I had to try for 2 straight hours to get my preorder through. And before you lash out at me, I hate that he does that shit. Because of the rarity of Oculus Quests, I had to resort to him getting one

I see your point and agree with a lot of it but I can see why Bungie would want to remove a bit before adding more. It seems like they wanna trim the fat a bit and remove some of the smaller, less popular areas. I don’t know if you plan on console, but if you do I’m sure that you know that D2 takes up a fair amount of

I know how you feel. I always tend to drop out of CRPGs like Baulders’s Gate and such when you start having to manage 6 party members and you start fighting larger groups. It starts feeling tedious because I can’t help but micro manage the group, but it makes the game feel slow.

Im surprised that you put on Gloomhaven because it's a beast. I have it sitting in my closet because I’m scared of getting into it solo and then starting over whenever I can get a group going.  A good substitute would be Zombicide because there is a ton of available content. Of course there's more pieces to keep track

If you like AH and want more Lovecraftian games I would recommend Cthulhu: Death may Die. I kick-started it last year and was really happy with it and it can absolutely be played solo. I mostly play it with just a second person and the difficulty was still balanced. Really fun, easy to grasp, dungeon crawler.

Solar panel + battery = always charged teleporter.  I'd say while the game does add more complexity and that can equal more grinding , there are so many more avenues of things to do you can just work on farming, under water exploration, base building, animal handling, working on your freighter, doing quests, ect. when

Don't forget, all of them probably consume the same media that their Fox News/Brietbart brainwashed base watch.  They probably all believe they are the truly oppressed declining white race, even though the evidence of their privilege and power is all around them. 

Don’t forget about Detlef Schrempf too!  I only know about him because of Parks and Recreation, but he's another white NBA player.  

It saves the game when you die. You don’t need to repeat the tutorial though, I think you just need to get the Launch Codes and check out the Nomai statue.

Your mean like how the conservative internet mob outrage culture has demanded boycotts of coffee makers because of mad people whining about a business’ practices. Or how they whine every year about saying Merry Christmas. Or hate on Starbucks for red cups. Or getting mad at Obama for wearing a tan suit or saluting


That behavior is the same as him pulling the “You’ll see X happen in about two weeks” claim. It’s another common tactic of his to defer blame or make baseless promises, since it’s a short enough time frame that people accept it as its not long to wait but it's a long enough period that ultimately his critics forget to

I’d also recommend his podcast Even More News, he’s less of a character in it and they are able to have a little more nuance in that format. While I’m making recommendations I’d also recommend the work of fellow former Cracked writer Robert Evans. He runs Behind the Bastards, where he talks about former and current ter

What you are wanting is Ghosts of Tsushima due out later this year (I think) by Sucker Punch. Go check out their E3 trailer and tell me that’s not Japanese Witcher to a degree. 

Maybe not way more, after all when he was slightly younger he was known to travel on Jeff Epstein’s “Lolita Express”. As a matter of fact while listening to the podcast Behind the Bastards (which I think most Splinter readers should look up) I learned that when they finally raided Epstein’s house they found slips of

It's scary how much of that is relevant today.

Back when I used to work more blue color, manual labor kind of jobs in Texas I’d hear shit like that from time to time. Just matter-of-factly and declaring it for no other purpose than to let others know that’s the kind of person they are. If you challenge them, at the time which was about 7 years ago, they’d just say,

Id also recommend reading Metro 2033, it's an amazing book and parallels much of the game.  

This is like the 5th tweet I’ve seen in a week where Trump will put quotes around “President Trump” when referring to himself. I wonder what his thinking behind this is. Is he trying to distance himself from the role or is he starting to forget that the man on the TV that Fox News is always talking about is him?