Whilst the phobia he has may be uncommon, the inability to switch off and the excessive anxiety are much more common than people believe.
Whilst the phobia he has may be uncommon, the inability to switch off and the excessive anxiety are much more common than people believe.
Her own version of the events is poking holes in the story she posted on Tumblr. She and a friend were in a fight with a couple, she maced them, and then got indignant when the bar they happened to be in front of wanted nothing to do with their noise? It seems like she has a massive chip on her shoulder, what with…
Your alternative is Saints Row 4? Euuugh, to each his own I guess.
I am the only one that used to get big groups of friends together to play and watch games get played? It’d be 6 or 7 of us and we’d play through Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem, the Silent Hill and Fatal Frame series, older games like Contra III: Alien Wars and the like. It was always a blast! I distinctly remember…
usually the worst comments are un-greyed because they are so offensive and bad that hoity-toity non-greys like you feel the need to reply to them
I just got followed on io9 and I barely post there! I know exactly what post did it and it was the most banal post ever and was barely starred. Who knows how this all works.
I just got followed on io9 and not sure how that happened! I am black here but still grey on gawker.
It happened because Jezebel followed you - why? WTF knows. What I think is weird is I’ve been pulled out of the grays on Jez and Life Hacker - but not io9. And io9 is my people, man! That’s where I belong. I need to hit up Charlie Jane, I guess.
If the blog itself follows you, your comments are automatically approved. Moreover, if any commenter who is followed by the blog either stars or comments on a post in the greys, they pull it out of the greys - as you’ll see, because this comment will make your comment appear non-greyed.
I know myself and some other commenters try really hard to ungrey non-offensive comments on most articles. If I’m not busy I’ll hit the same article up multiple times to try to get most of them, because this system is really not fair. (I haven’t been doing that tonight because I’m preoccupied. :( )
I also don’t think…
Nobody gets the nuances of Kinja. I’ve been out of the greys on Jez for months, and I still don’t know how it happened.
“He said, ‘Don’t worry, he has met someone. She is a teacher and he seems to love her very much, and we think she will help keep him grounded,’” Mills recalls.
Please go to the police if you are ever raped and there’s literally DNA evidence to the rape strewn about where you wake up. I know the police get a bad rap, but the vast majority of them genuinely do want to help you. I completely understand fear, especially in this situation (if it’s true), but fearing the police…
Looks like the age old adage of flatulence applies to this case, too: “the silent ones are the deadliest.” Did not see this one coming.
I didn’t like any of this. As someone who has been cheated on multiple times, this made me queasy. I didn't like his answers or candor about it. No I will not "find myself in this situation someday", if I am with someone and want to be with someone else, I'll end my current relationship first cuz I'm not a fuckhead.
Sounds like Barney Stinson’s version of the movie.
They like that he “speaks his mind” and “never backs down” from what I can tell. Basically he’s the id of the Republican Party. Says whatever he wants, doesn’t give a shit.