Medieval Knievel

I miss him so much. And I heard about his death relatively soon after it happened, so my grief is deeper than yours.

Yeah it takes more than just wearing makeup and masturbating in front of children to make you a real clown.


Bill Clinton might have just dropped the ultimate humblebrag.

“calling for help probably only made Kobe madder.”

But... clowns who aren’t scary are just boring.

Silly lady that paperwork is WAY over your head anyway. Let me find a man to fill it out for you.

I want a way to transfer every unwanted fetus into the abdominal cavity of one of these whackadoodle fake religious pols. “Here ya go, LANCE - you gestate and then raise the new human! Such a sacred bond you’ll enjoy!” Maybe then treating us like Tupperware for their cannon fodder will be revealed as the truly abusive

True, although it is just an experiment until it is your decision. I thought I was politically pro-choice and personally anti-abortion, until I thought I was pregnant under truly horrifying circumstances. I didn’t decide, as in the verb, it just instantly registered that I’d already decided; not happening. Maybe

I had an abortion when I was in high school. Being pregnant and unable to keep water down was traumatic. Having an abusive boyfriend was traumatic. The fear of having to tell my mother was traumatic. No longer being pregnant was a fucking relief.

How much for half a special and some knock-knock jokes?

He doesn’t immediately jump to molesting her. He buys her ice cream first, otherwise that’s rude.

Schilling looks like the truck driver at the counter in some diner in the middle of nowhere ready to tell you how the world REALLY works, which they aren’t gonna teach you in some fancy college.

Meanwhile, Kellyanne was ready to chime in with how that sonofabitch Bill Clinton refused to return his seat back to the upright position during landing.

I ....

Oh look! It’s Vincent Adultman, heading off to a long day at the business factory!

I adore Mr. Sebag-Montefiore’s genteel snark. This is the tailoring equivalent of “bless your heart”.

It also could be a static electricity thing where his metallic bobby pins create a field that repels his cufflinks. Just spitballin’ amongst yourselves

I think it’s a combination of: