I think you buried the lede here. The Browns scored a touchdown!?!
I think you buried the lede here. The Browns scored a touchdown!?!
The Browns couldn’t get no satisfaction because the Patriots whipped them, whipped them real good.
I just want to congratulate you on your username!
I came back to read this comment again, thank you.
“Jeez...You can’t honor anyone now a days.”
-Dan Snyder
When I announced last week I was going to Safeway, I had every intention of playing, or I wouldn’t have committed.
Mountain Dew: A great way to let people know you are paid hourly
In better news Tiger is starting to look quite hardcore.
Even in a bubble that thick and that homogenous, where literally everybody in power is a Republican, she no doubt still blames a vague notion of “Democrats” for everything bad that happens.
It’s not all farm girls in gingham dresses and shrewish, witch-like wealthy spinsters on bicycles. Well, it is, but sometimes they’re strippers.
I agreed with her until I realized I wandered into Tijuana again.
+1 dollar bill
My thoughts exactly. Its clear that the hamster on the wheel inside her head died years ago.
That woman is so obviously a Trump supporter. I can just look at her face and know “Yeah that woman is a fucking moron.”
I wanna marry tiffany and treat her well
While I don’t entirely agree with your assessment of Hillary, I do have to note (with enormous satisfaction) that the Republican party couldn’t put forward any reasonable meatsack.
I make a pretty decent whiskey sour. I’ll invite you folks over to talk shit about the election cycle with me.
I fear that even we liberals are missing an important point here.
Points for sending me to a wiki article with a tastefully done artist rendition of “Mammary Intercourse.”