Farquest de Jamal


Look, no genitals.

Kitt, turbo boost, now!


All that ballistic protection is required because these guys are using guns that spray bullets with little accuracy. :)

Jim and Bones approve.

Secret home of the furloughed NASA scientist. And he's pissed.

This is still not as funny as something I saw IRL while driving down the highway this summer:

Hey! Your laces are untied!


The blue bits are those access points, for repairs, which double as ribs to prevent leaks from spreading. Saw a whole program about this tech. Really cool.

It is a seamless (sonic welding) high tech plastic sleeve to prevent ground water from entering the tunnels. It is anchored in place, then another layer of concrete is labs is placed inside that tunnel. It also has spaced acces points for repairs when necessary. Really cool tech.

The beaver's beaver. Boom! My brain exploded.

Oooooooh! You can't spell Republican without pelican. *dopeslap*

Should be +3 if the reference is the Swayne impeachment. Contact, eh.


Once again ... Cows don't have dicks. They're girls!

I have a Verizon PAYG hotspot. Gets LTE in most markets, high speed 3G in others. And I can pay when I need service and have no bill when I don't. They charge $90 for 10GB (valid for 30 days), $60 for 3GB (valid for 30 days) and $15 for 500MB (valid for a week). Their 10GB rate is very competitive, and the fact that I

Actually, no, you are wrong double-ratboy.