I am sure Engadget would appreciate it if you spelled their name correctly ... unless you want to be Gizmogdo next time they source you.
I am sure Engadget would appreciate it if you spelled their name correctly ... unless you want to be Gizmogdo next time they source you.
Yep. Just for 100 people, but still, nice.
That's one hell of a blow job!
His tips aren't for the "faint" of heart. Feinting is just for swordplay. That aside, very pretty.
I think this image gives a great perspective.
excrementum = feces
I'd like to show you 400 inches! (Hell, I'd love to be able to show you 200 millimeters.)
Zzzzzzing! This comment should electrify the comment boards.
And that's the attention to detail provided by readers that makes me want to read this site. Good catch!
For those of us in North America, paracetamol = acetaminophen = Tylenol.
OK, that is fair.
Holy cow, a Gawker article about sex that doesn't have this image attached. Wow! (I do like the one you guys used though.)
Gary Larson was right!
Someone had to do it.
Question to put up to popular vote: aquariums or aquaria? And if you think one is more correct than the other, why?
What is needed is a porn music search engine.
An illustration is in order. Who is going to post images of their spouse's boobs to demonstrate this with other women? The line forms here ...
Royal +1. Take a bow, sir.
Doesn't bother me at all ... because it doesn't happen. I always politely decline. My gadgets are all used for work, and I cannot risk someone doing anything that will cause me any problems.