
love Sally Hawkins, but she seemed to be reading (a bit) the Woody Allen lines whereas Blanchett made them her own voice. I understand they are not in competition with each other, and Hawkins was good, but the Cannavale/Hawkins scenes seems very character-y, whereas Blanchett was above and beyond what was written.

the building of the tension in the Bale/Adams relationship got confused/confusing about 110 minutes in. I started to not get their motivations, and things generally got convoluted, which I think could have been solved in editing. I also got tired of the "looking people up and down" perspective camera shot. But I liked

How many people here saw DALLAS BUYERS CLUB?
Were you not generally underwhelmed?

it is a bit of fun, but if we care to keep things in perspective, this is us watching a club hand out awards to their members. Yes, there are financial benefits, yes, it is historic, but ultimately, they do what they want and it is their opinions. We are not really in a position to judge as if it is the SATs or the

you kind of have to add in some of the youngsters nominated as well. And @avclub-d7b683529752a4d24d84c4941861a363:disqus, I laughed, so enjoy the Jello.

remember, Titanic won. It beat LA Confidential, As Good as it Gets, The Full Monty and Good Will Hunting. The "best" film of that bunch? Probably (i'd say definitely) not (that was the year of Anaconda, after all). But as far as "movies", popcorn crunching, visually stunning, memorable… Titanic was a winner. That was

they need to make these shorts easier to access - come on, Academy. I saw Room, and it is lovely, but a little Saturday morning. I'm in London and saw merchandising for it, so it probably the most popular/mainstream.

I think so, which kind of ruins the whole "reveal" of the aisle walk, but yes, because of daylight, etc.

son of a B, is what I heard.

speaking of throwing up, I had a vegetarian boyfriend who hadn't eaten meat/fish for ten years. Drank a bit, but not too much. He was in the middle of training for a marathon and had lost some wight when for reasons i can't remember, we went to a hockey game and he got hammered on beer, nipped off a flask offered to

agreed about the actors, dialogue, etc. This show is an odd one, as they ask you to commit to the end just by the nature of the set up. Then they give you great stuff, so when they start to go off track, personally, I think they have earned our good will and investment to sit through the bad stuff. And yes, it gets

Time Travelers and The Trilogy, and Symphony of Illumination (god, even that name is so good) are superb. I never liked Kevin so his arc is downgraded for me. Nora I didn't mind at all.

yeah, it is weird how in the flashforwards we have seen, where the gang is supposed to be late 40s-ish, they all look like middleaged suburbanites from the 1970s. Im in my 40s and I don't dress like a DAR luncheon lady.

braking the fourth wall in a way that the characters don't know they are doing it is the best - subtle. This was good, and not 30 Rock, we know we're ending the series, blatant.

hang in there, @cinecraft:disqus. Take your laptop out of the paint-stained apartemtn, go type things like your post above in a public place, and when you sigh and make that "when am I gonne meet her" wistful face, look up. She might be there giving you a reassuring smile.

good point.

that was my thought - it was just a chance to see Victoria (nice to see you, sorry the writers hated you, and cute haircut!) and Stella (always seemed like a character that belonged in a different plotline, in a good way - ie, she was never right for Ted but she wasn't initially horrible) and Jeanette (a surprise;

I kinda get it. When things look bleak, romantically, you tend to rehash old loves. When one of them is right there and the "only" thing stopping you from being together is this silly idea that she doesn't want commitment/kids, well, you'd be a fool not to reinvestigate.

yes, good point - make your bets - this IS the last of the I Love Robins, right?

I'd like to know as well. @donnadb:disqus?