
agree that it must be boring out there in the rain. How many rounds of "have you ever?" can you play? But, read the room, Steve.

who was the one that made up something in the native language, and everyone cooed and agreed?

was that one of the few times, if ever, a confessional has been so sweary and angry? and real? Maybe Boston Rob ?
Not complaining about the language, I'm thinking most of the confesionals are whiny and unbelieving - they voted against me? What?

team up/bury the hatchet, and keep it to ourselves.

very true. Watching fit people run and swim does not engage the family at home on the couch as much as the simple "I could eat that" challenges. They are humanizing and relate to the wide audience.

I want to love this show, so I am hoping the second season gets better. For me, it is good, and teeming with potential, but I was distracted by a few things: their accents, how obviously nonpregnant Parnham was - seems a small concern but it was distracting - and how shrieky and improv-y the two can get. Dial it down.

thank you! I did as well. Not that Gilligan would play a Fring card so early, but I was intrigued. also thought the deal location looked like the place where Gus' office was, where he had the meeting with the cartel and put out his veggie and dip tray.

from what I've heard from the 80s, it was girlfriend in a coma.

me neither (either?), and if one wants to be storyline pedantic, it should have been addressed.

you must admit, some of the episodes suffer from the supposed need to work in all of the characters?

seemed like the same cute kid.

Sofia Vergera was hilarious in that moment, though, if in real life, way too menacing for a grandmom, or indeed, anyone caring for a child.

that joke was done on Scrubs, though, possibly the pilot.

the bridesmaids had no flowers. What are you supposed to with your hands?

nope. I got a little sniffy as well.

damn it, Pa-treason!

totally agree. I think I've just had my "Stella" experience, and as sad as I am, i am still hoping for the "Mother". Or, Father, in my case.

Billy Joel - The Stranger

slightly off topic, but I just saw Dallas Buyer's Club (and McConaughey is the shit), and I was thinking, his character did have a bit of gay sex, right? Doesn't he flash back to it while he is in the library? It, to me, gave his character even more dimension.

agreed on Bullock's believability. The scenario might have been over the top, but I had no problem with her as a top medical scientist. Just like I had no problem with Jennifer Garner as a doctor in Dallas Buyer's club, but really never trusted the casting of Denise Richards as a nuclear scientist in The World is Not