
uh ohhh, somebody got high and wrote their thesis!

I watched the director's commentary of The Last Kiss (I know, I know) and Zach Braff constantly refers to her as "Bilson", and sort of makes it "ahhhh, (smile) that Bilson ", which I took as, she's that adorable in real life.

sorry, had to point this out — "Barnie" ?

Zoe was gross, and, as Robin pointed out last season, wore stupid hats.

that camera angle was interesting to me a well, i thought there might be a HI note inside of there.

or, like this season, they'd lose a pound, tops. This group does not seem to be suffering from hunger. Tyson even said he hasn't gone to be hungry. I'm sure Tina had to convince Katie that the Australia starvation stories were true.

C. Didn't find the Claire/Gloria stuff funny at all.

Brigga, please.

Anne Hathaway did play Lili in Carnival - but singing that role is not nearly as tricky as Maria.

oh yes PLEASE.

same here. I saw this with a couple, and as we were leaving she was all sniffles and sighs. The male half looked over her head at me and rolled his eyes and shook his head. We saved our criticisms til she had her time to enjoy the post-movie stupor.

yes, Kiera Knightley, married to my friend, you, at age 18, you are perfect.

the whole shaming of the tea girl because she's so obviously fat and disgusting (she's gorgeous, a stone cold fox, indeed), plus the meanness towards the unattractive sister of the Portuguese girl… unnecessary and not funny. add in the uselessly drawn out porn-stand-ins scenes and this all adds up to a schizophrenic

kind of agree. Just rhyme. we don't need the reason.

ahahaha, as did I? My reaction to that query was, ehhhnm, I guess they will, right?

anyone know why only shows selected bits? They took out the monologue, the cover songs, and the last sketch, maybe more, not sure.

you are exactly right.

I think it is "din mor".

that and the reveal that it was Nellie typing "suck my nutz" or whatever it was.

and as someone who has worked production on documentaries, it is amazing how quickly people forget that they are wearing microphones.