Me da RN

Why does this have a picture of Gerard Depardieu instead of, you know, Tim Roth? For a sec I thought Tim Roth had really let himself go.

Thank jeebus for many years of the same crap. Sometimes your 6 year old wants a “regular” Lightning McQueen because he's already destroyed the first two you bought and it's different than the Lightning from second movie. Do you know how much bastards on Amazon charge for out of season toys?

This makes me feel as creeped out as the moment when I found out my youth pastor was molesting all my guy friends. Yes, there was something wrong about Jimmy sleeping with Pastor Rob in his bed.

When my youngest’s face swelled up due to an egg allergy, I was incredibly sad because Best Foods and me are tight friends. Just Mayo wiped away my tears. It's good stuff and is close enough to egg-emulsified oil to be called mayo.

Ugh. Is this supposed to be a joke about how women don’t “get” Star Wars or a joke about how “dumb” Star Wars is? Either way, this is a horrible post.

I don’t know, if I had those legs, I'd flaunt them too.

I can’t wait until the Voice is over, and Blake and Gwen are over.

I wonder how the dynamic is in that family. Is the mom as narcissist? My mom is. I keep our contact to a minimum or she would overwhelm me with all her not-real problems.

Reminds me of church camp when they warn you that when you sleep with someone, you sleep with everyone they’ve sleep with. “And that’s how I got my brother’s herpes.”

Sometimes the taco trucks are closed. Also, if you only have a half hour for lunch and if you online order at Chipotle, you have enough time to sit for a couple minutes. I myself have stopped eating at Chipotle because I am now old and keep a variety of canned soup in my locker.

I’ve been stewing on this article for awhile and after the last week I’ve had working, I’d like to mention a couple things.

Dilaudid can cause horrible nausea, yet here I was giving it to people with intractable nausea and vomiting. I think it ensures people come back. Ugh, I didn't become a nurse to feed addiction. I still have so many conflicting feelings and I haven't worked there in months.

I’m a med/surg nurse. The first hospital I worked at is a non-profit where the CEO makes $2 million a year. The hospital will admit anyone it can and maximizes it’s insurance payments by keeping the patients for two days, even for insignificant illnesses. Doctors would rather the patient sign out against medical