
Those spams are the worst. Shady accounts kept adding me to their group or sending me invites. This is why I never use any of the PS4 social features ever again.

I wish her name will be Karen. There’s so much they can do with that.

I think it’s a bit ironic to note that this techno-orientalism thing owes a lot to the popularity of Ghost in The Shell, which itself the product of Asian appropriation of western cyberpunk writings and aesthetics. If Stray was instead created by Asian developers, there would probably be straw rice paddy hats wearing

I don’t really see the point in getting this version unless:
1. It’s free on PS Plus Extra. Doubt that this will ever happen considering that even the Remastered version is only available in PS Plus Premium. I am not willing to shell out more money just to get access to what is essentially an older game.
2. It gets a PC

I’m Asian so I’d buy it just because it seem like a good deal. Would I play it? No, no. No. The sensation of buying a $60 game for a penny is satisfaction enough.

And they can’t call it the Red Engine

Well, here’s a model kit I built and painted over the past two weeks. Very minimal seamline removal because I’m lazy and in most cases not overly important.

It's the la-li-lu-le-lo.

I for one would prefer a physical disc copy of the game that comes with download links to pdfs and STL files of the extras they listed in the special editions. That mjolnir look sick, but with the hefty price tags I’d rather print it myself.

While the previous Netflix adaptation have plenty of other problems, I think casting wise I don’t see why Light can’t be a genius Asian American student with a twisted sense of justice instead of a whiny, pretty average white American high schooler with a crazy girlfriend.

The Marvel movies of my day were Steven Spielberg blockbusters and family friendly comedies like Home Alone. They’re still made today, and Spielberg is still making movies. Only difference is they don’t feel as spectacular as they were when there’s only a few of them releasing every few years.

No no, it was always supposed to be called Overwatch II: The Overwatchening.

Reminds me of the old heyday of Com.X, the UK comic book company that keep getting their books late because their artists keep getting stolen by Marvel.

I like the art style, gives a storybook feel to it. But I understand that it’s a huge departure from the past visual direction and a lot of people will take longer times to warm up to it if at all. A friend of mine even flat out said that ‘it sucks’. Personally I’m just there for the story and humor.

I finally upgraded to Extra on my PS4 only because I already have a full year subscription of PS Plus anyway and it’s the cheapest way to get both Spider-Man titles and Guardians of The Galaxy. Their other games selection are sorta meh, so I probably won’t be renewing it and will switch back to Essential.

I was hoping for some more explanation on the Grand Inquisitor’s survival, like “Haha you stabbed me in the wrong place, my vital organs are actually in my butt. Remember that the next time you want to kill me.”

Despite pursuing more mature content, the rating doesn’t necessarily mean that FFXVI will be more graphically violent or contain more titty than before.

Why not? Unlike Bloodborne which was a cooperative production with Sony, Sekiro is not an exclusive Activision IP.

Maybe when it’s free.

Flying enemies are a pain in the ass. The best tactic to deal with them is apparently the double jump followed by whacking the strike button but it doesn’t even work half the time. If you run out of special attacks you’re kinda screwed.