isn’t amazon getting into healthcare soon? This is just a move to start getting its name associated with healthcare in the news. Remember, corporations are not our friends, and there is no ethical consumption under capitalism.
isn’t amazon getting into healthcare soon? This is just a move to start getting its name associated with healthcare in the news. Remember, corporations are not our friends, and there is no ethical consumption under capitalism.
How the hell does this article exist with no mention of Murray Hill, King of the Kings? For shame.
Dried in the open air? how many flies land on that, do you think?
It’s MERRIAM-WEBSTER. Miriam Webster sounds like the name of some aged hippie from the Park Slope Food Co-op.
About 15 years ago I was driving upstate on I-87 after visiting my ex in NYC for the weekend. It was late at night, I was alone, and I was getting sleepy. As I was trying to keep my eyes open, one of the dashed lane lines popped up, turned into the old yellow AOL running man logo, and ran in front of my car. It was my…
awww what the hell is this thing? he’s adorable!
guessing it’s because men think they’re worth 3x what they’re actually worth?
She doesn’t have a forehead. She has a fivehead.
10. Cheetos as accessory
where do you work and are they hiring
Who, the president?
Always tip the Drag Queen, folks
It’s amazing what you learn when you actually talk to people in real life. Keep up the good work, kid!
you forgot the /s
Dear fucking god leave Norway alone, Trump. Just because the PM was being polite— and most Norwegians are polite to a fault— doesn’t mean she likes you. (Also in Norway she’s considered “right wing,” which means, in US political terms, she’s as liberal as a Democrat.)
Apatity for Destruction, amirite?!
Maybe. The Scandinavian mindset is very different than the American one, though. Having spent a lot of time in Norway throughout my life (I have one Scandinavian parent) I can say that Norwegian dudes are generally not dicks in the same way as American dudes. Feminism and women’s rights have been around a lot longer…
This isn’t about you, Kaizen.
BEST song ever. and the video is fucking awesome. I thought it was directed by Bruce Weber when I first saw it, but apparently it’s all Mariah!