Woah.. I like! I’m glad they’ve included the original look too. I find this era’s low-fi kind of creepy and atmospheric in it’s own right. I’d probably switch to nicer looking mode if it interfered with legibility though.
I can’t think of anything more exciting than watching a video game character walk 2 feet in 2 hours! Maybe in a few years, next-gen systems will make it possible to watch a character walk two feet in two years! Can you imagine a better use of your time?!
Board games always seem cool, but I just don’t have people around to play them with these days. Lots of interesting looking games.
I remember one time I threw the can on the cop, and it bounced off his head, and went straight into the bin. The cop was clearly not impressed by my feat, and proceeded to beat me.
Yoshi will remember that.
Are you saying you can’t have an “adult” horror game without jump scares or gore? If so that seems rather...limiting.
She’s more like the people spewing hate in the background of the photos of the black students integrating schools in the South. I’m glad they’re preserved there, forever, so they can never deny having been raging assholes.
A pretender at being Chinese,
I never would have known it wasn’t the actual actor...
Don’t be... It didn’t change their mind at all, and just made me resent them a little bit more.
It’s seriously unhealthy. My relatives used to be fairly level-headed about politics and social issues, until they started getting deep into Fox News. Now I can’t be with them for more than a half hour before it’s “OBAMA” this and “STUPID LIBERALS” that, knowing full well that I would rather not hear about it. It’s…
A relative of mine said something similar, which resulted in me screaming at them because I could not believe they said something so completely stupid. They then said something to the effect of, “Well, I heard some of those clinics don’t even give them an ultrasound before they have an abortion...” which made me go…
Because one of our major political parties condones this shit. Oh, they’ll talk shit about showing respect for the law and/or people “on the other side of the issue,” but they’re fundamentalist assholes through and through.