Mechanical Shark

because his deviation from the orthodoxy is on issues that have a brigade of angry young people with more passion than sense ready to rain down tweetstorms of outrage. And, well, because he is a douche, aside from everything else; and, understandably, some people don't care if someone shares the same political

I've always thought it was weird how fond people with no empathy are at pointing out the deficits of people that, at the very least, are capable of expressing it and believe in its worth.

Sociopaths can't understand caring.

yeah, it's a bad joke. The real story is that Bill Maher is a hacky comedian that relies on pretty weak material. Nearly every comedian that relies too heavily on stereotype shtick is a hack, unless they can spin it in a new way. Maher…doesn't. It's weird because in many sense he's a liberal, but then he makes jokes

Virtue signaling is a useful term for everyone, and I thank the asshats for inventing it. The richest irony is how much of it they do.

I don't think they're trolls. There's a line between "disingenuous" and "troll", and it's important to draw it.

that is sure a comment I'd expect from someone with the username "Frank Stallone".
See the strawmans as they march across the plains of the internet.

It seems like you're offended by the taking of offense.

nothing is objectively anything. I question your understanding of our postmodern world.

I don't understand this view of free speech. People have a right to say things that may be considered offensive, but other people don't have a right to either say that they're offended, or opine that they think the thing said may be offensive. But this is also speech. Criticism is also free speech. You can argue that

Yeah, I guess I would say Maher is an economic and social leftist, but moderate on social justice issues and a bit more hawkish than liberals are comfortable with on foreign policy, especially w/r/t Islam.

I have some respect for the "identity politics assholes are hurting the left" argument, and it's not entirely wrong, but for some reason, my brain stops reading when I see the term "SJW" in someone's post. I guess because most people that use it, that I've encountered, use the existence of overzealous progressives as

It's an excuse to beat up on a person the author and a lot of the commentariat hate. Have you ever hated a particular celebrity, and then they do something fairly inoffensive, but you take it as an opportunity to criticize them? Maybe you haven't. and that would make you a better person than the people that do, but a

Maher is probably more intelligent than Trump, but he has some Trumpian qualities that rub people the wrong way. and, I mean, note that there's like, 20 Trump Newswire articles for every Bill Maher article.

I love lavender ice cream, but freely admit it is some hipster bullshit, and if a new store opens in your neighborhood and it sells lavender ice cream, gentrification is likely at hand.

what this shows me is that I am REALLY TERRIBLE at drawing common things, and that the recognition is already pretty sophisticated if it can recognize my "box with two oblong squiggles on the bottom" as a school bus. Some people are like "but I can draw so much better with a pencil". I am equally bad with a pencil. I

did the Jedi depicted in the prequels follow the light? no. it can be assumed that the Jedi had lost their way about the time they became enforcers for the Republic.

I think it was 100% intentional. People were so shocked that Lucas would so viciously undercut the mythos of the Jedi that they talked themselves into believing the portrayal came about through incompetence.

maybe the idea of a Light Side at all is wrong. The Force is neither good nor bad. It's just people doing good things with it or doing bad things. one mistake people make is assuming the Jedi were Light Side at all, when by the fall of the Republic they were just a dark grey at best.

no, I think Luke is disillusioned with the entire mission and ideology of the Jedi.