Mechanical Shark

no, the rising tide argument doesn't work. because this group of people operates on resentment. It's not about getting ahead, it's about remaining above some other people. they'll gladly let the rich grease the rungs from the ladder above them, as long as they also grease the rungs below them.

Tolerance is a meaningless concept if it also means we have to put up with intolerance. is it really hypocritical to try to enforce social norms of "don't be an asshole to people for their gender/sexual orientation/disability/ethnicity/country of origin"? Tolerance has limits. We decide what we can and can't tolerate.

and then a lot of them voted for Trump anyway. so excuse me if I'm not inclined to be charitable to them.
Plus, a lot of those people were already doing and supporting terrible things, just in a different flavor.

Steve Bannon is apparently a fictional character we made up, and not the guy who has the President's ear.

Steve Bannon ran Breitbart, and still keeps contact with it. I still don't understand why you've decided to ignore reality and blame The Left.

So, you're blaming leftists for Breitbart, when Trump's key advisor used to run it? What is even your agenda here?

The "Trump doesn't represent Republicans" line rings hollow when 89% of Republicans who voted, voted for Trump. Which is a pretty normal margin, and the Democratic margin for Hillary was only slightly better.
and maybe they don't entirely agree with Trump, but they voted for him, and they normalized his ideas and

I hate the hi-fiving Hillary people too, but the BERNIE WOULD'VE WON crowd is also wildly insufferable. both of them inadvertently helped Trump win, with their good intentions mismatching wildly with their stupid actions.

explain to me why we should feel any sympathy for people that support the racist clown.

already addressed to some extent, but here's the thing: psychiatric diagnosis has a massive gender problem. The same symptoms in a male and female are likely to get a different diagnosis applied, and this is true even with very progressive, self-aware psychiatrists. This is particularly problematic in personality

on the one hand, this stuff is horrifying to see, but on the other it's nice that people are actually letting us know in advance that they're not worth our time.

yeah, I wish there had been something like this when I was a kid. Might have forestalled the serious self-loathing and depression that still plagues me to this day. To be honest, that's now more of an issue than my autism in terms of living my life.

Sheldon is such an unpleasant character to me, I can't bear to watch TBBT.

Alphas? arguably Abed in Community? all versions of The Bridge?

I do have an autistic housemate who identifies as a conservative reactionary, and sort of supports Trump. And his distorted perspective is for sure informed by the arrogance of an intelligent autistic person. but then, I'm autistic too, and ultra-left, so all that it really does is make people dogmatic. I poked my

yuuuup. Republicans make lives more miserable for rural voters, and, embittered, rural voters go for the guys that give them someone easy to blame, and promise to make the lives of their enemies miserable.

I mean, we shouldn't stop offering services to them, because it's the right thing to do, but we should stop assuming we can appeal to their economic interests. For many of these people, being a Democrat is worse than being a Satanist, and possibly more connected to Satan.

It's funny how we liberals tend to think this could ever be a persuasive argument to rural voters. They don't vote for their own economic or practical interests, and it's pointless to ask them to. They vote along cultural, religious, and racial lines. Many of them do know that these government programs benefit them,

I think this is emblematic of how tech companies actually are, as opposed to their squeaky clean, rainbow-friendly corporate image. I don't think it's an evil conspiracy to put down LGBT people and elevate fascists. Rather, the tech people just didn't care enough to change it until there was a public outcry. and

I don't see this episode as a sign of anything, other than an important marker in Amethyst's character development, and a further indicator that Steven is eventually going to have to learn the hard way that you can't make everyone happy.
also, I don't agree at all that character arcs have reached completion. I see it