Mechanical Shark

I think none of the gems' arcs have really ended. Garnet repeatedly warning Steven not to go to the Palanquin, but not being able to go to protect him herself indicates she's still got war baggage. Pearl has Mystery Girl to follow up with, and in general moving forward from Rose. She's sort of buried the hatchet with

I'm confused why people are even uncertain we'll see more Lenny. It seemed obvious to me she was going to continue to "haunt" David going forward.

I seriously doubt much is going to be spoiled by the comics. They may borrow some characters and plots along the way, but Hawley is a madman - don't underestimate him.

Throwing a challenge is generally a bad idea, but it semi-worked in Worlds Apart when Mike & co. deliberately fucked up the memory challenge to save Kelly. Never mind that she later got idoled, in the short term it paid off.

he did an AMA and said he would never ever go back.

The worry about a power couple is letting two people into the endgame who are rock-solid aligned to the point they'll never vote each other for any reason. The bigger worry is if they have an additional set of allies around them that will also probably never betray them.

they're both "Eleanor Shellstrop"? The Jianyu screwup is actually more egregious because he doesn't even have the same name.

Chidi agreed with Eleanor that it needed to be done, and almost did it before. So he's culpable, but a prosecutor would definitely go for a lesser charge.

exactly. The show isn't endorsing the Good Place as a thing that makes sense - indeed, its point system is ludicruously arbitrary.
I mean, vanity license plates are a tad trashy, but it doesn't really make sense that they'd be an indicator of a bad person. I actually know a person I'm 100% certain would be in the Good

think about it this way - Really good people are just as vulnerable to complacency and a preference for letting a good thing continue as anyone, and often it takes assholes to point out that things are wrong. Think of some of history's greatest iconoclasts and gadflies. Would any of them be in the Good Place? No.

veggie and combo can both be good, depending on what's on them.

It's very "Being There".

Michaela is cool, and I hope she's an endgame player. Wanna see her beast mode challenges.

It's a different way of approaching the game, not a wrong way. There's a way idols are traditionally used, but that doesn't have to be how they're used. Precedents have been established, but not all of those precedents make total sense.

He knows what to look for in finding the idols, too, which is a terrific advantage. narrowing in on something you have to crack open.

How was David to know there would be a swap soon after? Obviously it was a possibility that I'm sure he considered, but you're trying to use future assets to judge someone's decision. However, we should judge a decision's quality only on what was known at the time.

and now we come to swap time, where the theme gets summarily abandoned. Now the real game starts!

Ken is very earnest. That probably does drive some men crazy, but I'm pretty sure the casuals LOVE him.

I think you'll find SJDS has a pretty favorable rep among certain segments of the fan community. You'll get aggressively downvoted if you diss it on r/survivor. Natalie is a really popular winner there, and the Keith love is overwhelming. also everyone loves Jon and Jaclyn.

yeah, that's an unnerving coincidence. In general East Asian women have a pretty lousy track record on Survivor, though. might be racism, or there might be cultural issues.