Mechanical Shark

oh, at this point I think it's guaranteed David will be a returnee. I kinda thought that from the first episode, though. He's got the highest confessional count of the season right now, and I don't think it's close.

I respect David's play for that reason. There's lots of imaginative things you could do with the idol other than just use it for safety in one tribal. Although perhaps it wasn't the best timed play, it was a bold, clutch decision that crippled his enemies in the game. I mean, even with the swap, there's only three of

what if they find a limited source for a cure, such that they can help Jasper and maybe also Centipeedle & her crew, but there's not enough to help all the bubbled gems. Like, that they find a small amount of a thing that when combined with Steven's spit, heals corruption. Near the end of the series they could find

his enthusiasm is infectious, and he's such a necessary character in an array of negative, cynical, depressed characters. He and Mr. Peanutbutter balance out Bojack and Diane's negativity well. The writing and Paul's earnest performance navigate a dangerous path without screwing it up one way or the other, avoiding

accelerationists, they're called, and they're mostly 18-35 year old dipshits that hang out on geek-oriented message boards. They're the most privileged leftists assholes you could possibly imagine.

that's the most bougie-ass fucking idea I've ever heard.

Deciding not to take moral responsibility for a decision as important as voting seems pretty dubious to me, from an ethical perspective. Whether you accept responsibility or not, you are responsible.

What makes you think your vote is more important to the Democrats than the votes of all the people that wanted Clinton to be the nominee?

imo you're doing it wrong if you're voting FOR politicians rather than against the other guy. You can't put faith in politicians because they will always let you down, but you can feel satisfied that "the other one would've been worse, probably". And this matters because minimizing harm should be far more important to

Clinton didn't just accomplish this through corruption or ideological alignment with elites. She had endorsements and support from a wide number of progressive elected officials from the get-go, due to her superior behind-the-scenes politicking ability. Which people might call corrupt, but this is kind of an important

however, his opponent, Tammy Duckworth, is AWESOME, and will make a great senator.

there was a great joke I think in America: the Book that was like "list of people responsible for Al Gore losing the election" and it went like
1. Al Gore
2. George W. Bush
3. Ralph Nader

well, Charlie Baker and Larry Hogan are probably better than say, fuckin' Joe Lieberman.

p. sure if she becomes president you're just not going to post here, or rereg with a different name.

The media is also desperate to find a way to suggest that Trump is competitive with Clinton in the general election, and this is one tactic. They see a lot of Republicans unhappy with their nominee, and decide to cover things to suggest there's an equivalent phenomenon among the Democrats. It's not really nefarious so

Man, I've got some advice for you: never attribute to evil what can be better explained by stupidity and short-sighted self-interest. Which, you might say same difference, but the latter two things have far more descriptive and explanatory power. The media is full of people that take no responsibility for their

Trump as an Outside Context Problem?

wake up, sheeple! lol.

I don't think that maps well enough. It's more like, would you like to have mild OCD or persistent psychotic episodes, hallucinations, and an addiction to heroin.

Part of why a lot of former Sanders supporters and fence sitters have problems taking you Sanders supporters seriously is that you seemed to have bought hook line and sinker into some of the most malicious lies circulated by anti-Clinton people, without any questions about the trustworthiness of the sources. You