Mechanical Shark

It's a good story, is the thing, so whether it's actually a big issue scarcely matters to the media. There's probably more Bernie-to-Trump voters than UK Leave voters that actually regret their vote, to be fair, and to give another example of an overhyped, possibly politically-motivated media-hyped non-issue.

It's not that there's a large contingent, but that the very notion that there's any more than a few hundred of them is alarming, and shows the extent of Clinton Derangement Syndrome.

It's actually the other way around. Trump has been covered by the media for over 30 years, and in that time has always been and continues to be the same person with the same personality traits. He's a narcissistic con artist.
By contrast, everyone seems to think they know who Hillary Clinton is, but there's like 20

You're exactly the kind of person Jessica Williams was trying, and failing to get through to in that bit. wow.

lots of people maintain a moral highground despite having no leg to stand on. Self-awareness is in short supply with people that feel morally superior.

the only healthy ship on this show would be the country girl who turned out to be a closet lesbian and her friend. Somehow, the show let her get out of it virtually unscathed, so we can only assume she went back to her home town and actually came out to her parents, or convinced her friend to move with her to the big

Wasn't she his mistress for a pretty long time? Craig Bierko in the early 2000's was pretty good looking.

I think it's pretty clear Jeremy's set up as Rachel's antagonist, where Chet is Quinn's. It's neat!

I'm willing to bet we see her at some point, given she's in the previously on segment. Maybe Chet brings her in as a weapon against Quinn and Rachel?

Chet yes, Jeremy's more of a standard douchebag with a thin cover story of "but you see, Rachel is an Evil Monster That Must Be Stopped". I don't think it'd make sense for Jeremy to go full MRA like Chet, because his conflict with Rachel is more personal than Chet's with Quinn.
Rachel's worst enemy is her

I think he appreciated her when she was conflicted about it, but is bothered because she's completely fallen to the dark side and relishes the power.

yeah, Rachel's mother should be considered pretty much the very worst person on the show, and there's a lot of contenders. well, other than, last season, Mary's ex-husband. damn.

because she wanted the sweet promo, but didn't really know what she was getting herself into.

If he thinks what Rachel is doing is horrible, why is he working on the show still? Rachel is good at doing what she's supposed to be doing, and if it wasn't her doing it, it would be someone else less talented, but still cutting a swath of emotional wreckage through a gaggle of deceived young women.

She's credited as "Steampunk Doctor", I think.

I'm not a huge fan of the ice cream Pokemon, but I appreciate that they exist, and love how mad they make some people.

to get REALLY nerdy, the little wolf should be able to evolve into several different types of bigger wolf. The one drawn reps Robb, who is great on attack but shitty defense, vulnerable to steel. an Ice/Psychic represents Bran, Ice/Fairy for Sansa, Ice/Dark for Rickon (that boy ain't right, I tell you hwhat), and

I think the more time passes and society changes, the less sense many classic films make, especially in terms of romantic decisions. You shouldn't view Vertigo in terms of how a modern woman would think of Scottie, but rather how a guilt-ridden, emotionally vulnerable 1950's woman might.

The thing about film criticism and scholarship that you have to understand is that people operating out of that tradition do consider plot far less important than visual symbolism, themes, and filmic qualities like editing, cinematography, and the mise en scene.
Vertigo is like a sloppy love letter to that point of

There's been reboot/remake fatigue since the early 2000's, this is nothing new.