

Remind me to give a shit when you address the inherent racism of the Notre Dame nickname and logo.

Just stop it already with your PC, straw man garbage. Where’s your outrage for the Fighting Irish? The Fighting Scots? The Ragin’ Cajun? The Saxons? The Vikings? Go peddle your selective victim-hood product elsewhere, no one wants to hear it.

It’s obvious you only need a journalism degree from Wiki University to write for Deadspin. Such professionalism.

I love when people get offended for other people.

It doesn’t matter if the team means no offense by it. It doesn’t matter if you know a Native American who says they don’t care about the logo.

Maybe you should stop being butt hurt about something that doesn’t matter and spend your time on something less pussy than this social justice campaign

I assume you beat the drum (ha!) just as hard for Notre Dame to change their highly offensive “Fighting Irish” nickname, correct?


I think you might need to learn what racist means. liking a mascot, logo or name doesnt make one a racist, thinking it is, makes you a bigot

I’m not an Indians fan. I don’t care about this either way. Curiosity has got me here.

Seriously Lindsey, really dead serious, fuck you. You clearly have no grasp of human emotion. This kind of shit could have waited til next week. I have never hated a person more than I hate you right now. You probably are wearing a shirt emblazoned with SJW on it right now. Fuck. You.

The 2 most important lessons of 2016:

This article is why the term “SJW” was invented

Here’s a question, what if they revise the logo to make it more like the Chicago Blackhawks or Florida State (i.e. a respectful picture of a Native American warrior and no longer a caricature) and get the support of a Midwest native rights group or two? Maybe it wouldn’t be possible to find groups to provide that

Knoblauch used to flash that same smile throwing to first, knowing he was making some lucky fan’s day with a free souvenir.

Not that being dead ever stopped Chicago residents from participating in the electoral process.

C’mon man, that’s not fair. Sox fans can’t write.

You know who didn’t fucking do this? White Sox fans, after 88 years. We had some dead family members too but didn’t caterwaul about it endlessly.

Nah dude, plenty of Natives like the term Indian and most don’t see it as a slur. Your experience, if you even have any, isn’t representative of an entire group. Take a seat, you can even do it Indian style.