
I think they did read their history books since it says “part 2"

Yeah, I guess the used bad quality people like cheap immigrants from Mexico or China, full of pesticides. I want my soylent to be organic, made exclusively of vegans and hipsters that consume only locally sourced products from ethical community gardens. And babies, for the smoothness.

It’s people, right? I’m guessing the answer is that it’s people.

Oh for fucks sake, stop it with your bullshit recreational outrage. What I and most normal people see here is a display of pride in one’s team, not “cultural appropriation”. You’re the one slinging around racist terms such as “blackface” and “redface”, where this is clearly just a dude that is happy as a motherfucker

Am I the only one not seeing the redface or blackface paint here? He has white paint on his face and some of it has worn off. Also, he’s not wearing blackface, it’s just a warpaint getup. I remember when I used to try to get my friends to read Deadspin because this site had an interesting perspective on culture,

Elizabeth Warren is looking rough

You have to be so, so bored to care about the Indians Logo, Redskins Name, etc...

I know a great psychiatrist that can help you cope with your “white guilt”.

Counter-counterpoint: no...fuck hyper-sensitive morality cop. The vast majority of Native American’s don’t give a fuck.

A friend of mine’s dad is full blooded Pima and the biggest Cleveland Indian fan I’ve ever known. I once asked him if Chief Wahoo bothered him, he said that instead of worrying about a mascot, people should worry more about the poverty on reservations out west.

the logo isn’t actually racist because it wasn’t meant to be racist

Oh so now you’re offended?

Lol like I said. Just a pos staff writer.

From all of us in Cleveland to all of u in the media that have shit on our city for decades, and we mean this from the bottom of our hearts, go fuck yourselves. We could care less about what some pos staff writer on Deadspin has to say. About anything. Especially your feelings about Chief Wahoo. Suck it up buttercup

You only got about two dozen commenters riled up. That’s not gonna be enough to thwart injustice and take down the “racist” logo!

Fighting racism with elitism! You noble, enlightened beacon of light.

Fuck off from Cleveland Lindsey.

fuck you and your faux outrage.

Off topic, but since Deadspin is the decider of this kind of stuff. Is the Celtics mascot racist? Over-exaggerated cartoon, is smoking who knows what and is so hammered he needs a walking stick.

here come the deadspin pc police