
How many do you know Douche? Cause on the reserve near me they all have Indians and Redskins flags on their houses. Seems like those you’re offended for aren’t actually offended.

Fauxcahontas always looks rough.

Or they’d keep catering to their actual fans and not easily offended whiners who don’t go to the games and don’t support them in anyway.

It’s liberal virture signalling.

Aside from the fact that every damn house on the local Indian reserve is decked out in Indians and Redskins flags and shit you make a coherent point.

Glad you liberals finally see the idiocy of safe spaces.

And named their team after a star Indian player. But, sure they’re all racists because it’s 2016 and liberals need something to bitch about.

Nice broad racist brush you paint with. Fuck off bigot.

How’d they get the name in the first place?

Do you know how the team got its name?

Named in honor of an actual Indian player too.

Oh good. Another white liberal telling us all how racist we are. Haven’t heard that today. Fuck off.

So is the problem that Trump is conduction outreach to a minority group or that you took thousands of words to try and spin this as racist?

Orbits our Sun, has an atmosphere. Looks like a planet to me.

They found it years ago. It’s called Pluto.

Another violent fascist Hillary supporter. Ho hum.

Remember when you fuckers called her a war criminal?

Not one word of your testimonial is true but you duped some easily led morons into liking you. Congrats.

Ahh, is butthurt liberal offended? Must be Tuesday.

I believe the original poster would like to.