
It’s shit like this that made the UK vote LEAVE.

Gonna suck for you when he wins.

Hillary Clinton supports selling out the US to Wall Street and yet you’re worried about some off-color remarks. Get fucking serious Timmy.

Nick Denton must be asking this about the Gawker articles that bankrupted him.

That’s her exact headline moron. Repeating what the idiot wrote isn’t bias, it’s called quotation.

Fuck the Nationals and everything they represent. - City of Montreal.

Deadly Hurricane terrifying warning about our future. Nice start and she gets more hyperbolic from there. Try reading what the idiot wrote then try defending it.

The mouthpiece of Jeb! is going to convince people not to vote for Trump? Good luck with that.

I thought one offs weren’t predictive of future events. Or does that just apply to one offs that confirm your bias?

Just because you were there doesn’t make it a meeting.

So Ashley. When you were in college, is this where you hoped your life would take you? How many bad decisions did it take for you to end up like this?

It’s ‘different’ when liberals do it. Just like compromising national security isn’t a crime when a Clinton does it.

Typical downtown Toronto trash. Just look at who they elect and you see how this happens.

No one’s free speech is blocked. This is simply the free market at work. Idiots doing stupid things results in consequences. Who knew?

You are fucking retarded. The Catholic Church doesn’t control the federal government. The federal government decides who can be married in a civil ceremony. So fuck off with your idiocy. The Catholic Church decides who can be married in a Catholic Church and no government is allowed to tell them otherwise. No matter

Yeah it is. The federal government and NCAA is pissed because North Carolina has the sense to stop people of the opposite sex from using the same changerooms.

The guy’s black.

What part of allowing boys who think they’re girls into the girls changeroom are you not understanding? Piss wherever you want. There has to be a line at showers and changerooms.

And no priest ever has stopped anyone from being married at city hall. So fuck off with your bigotry.

Government shall not interfer with religion. It’s in the Bill of Rights. Near the front.