
Hope you like your daughter showering with strange men.

No where in that does it mean men get to shower with girls.

The government has no right to force people to engage in immoral behavior. There’s no more slavery Sobchak.

Spoilers for a show that ended almost 20 years ago? Ok...

None are worth admiring?

How does letting men change and shower in the women’s change room end discrimination?

Keeping kids out of a fucking war zone might be a sign of Pitt being the better more mature parent.

Hell he can’t even do a proper reference check on his ministers.


So you live in the only province with an adult in charge. Lucky you.

A three year old has more self respect than the PM. Great choice voters of Canada.

Of all nights for the Simpsons to make an Arnold Palmer reference. Literally 30 minutes before his death was announced.

I thought leagues and coaches had no ability to stop political protestors? Apparently they are just powerless against left-wing protests.

Likewise would Deadspin and the national sports media attack Tebow for doing so? Everyone’s a hypocrite. Accept it.

Seahawk fans would like their team to reach the end zone.

Looks like he could use a beating. Fucking dumbass.

Funny how he’s completely silent on the 99% of black deaths.

Who are you going to search out next Tommy? The local high school team? A division 3 school? No one cares about this idiocy.