
I think Chappelle’s point with that is if you’re gay and black for example, people see you as black first above all. You can pretend to be straight, you can hide being trans from the public, etc... You can’t do that with being black.

This is better than anything the AV Club has said about Chappelle  Ever. No one makes you watch. 

Free speech MUST remain free. You might feel comfortable giving the reins over to the people who are trying to control speech today, but there is no guarantee that you will be comfortable *or safe* having given that power to the people *or person* who will control speech tomorrow. And that is why the right to speech

Indeed. Not to mention that if fatphobia at been the intention, Thor would have magically lost the weight for the final battle instead of cleaning up and kicking ass while fat.

I saw similar commentary on the comments for Righteous GEmstones season 2, like Goodman looked “unwell” and “sickly” and “I know he’s lost weight but is he not telling us something?” People are fucked.

Right? With all the Strange: MoM trailers, I’ve noticed a fair few tweaks to various scenes between the first trailer and the more recent ones even without various breakdowns. and we’ve still got a couple weeks before that movie drops, let alone three months.

I thought it was done really well. I continue to be baffled by the whole “fatphobia” hot take that just won’t die.

Big people can certainly be beautiful (eye of the beholder and all)... but when it’s so clearly a consequence of trauma we’re really just talking about a pathology... and no one is served by us ignoring,

Look, Linda. As a guy that struggled through plus-size for a lot of depression before getting into *not quite* hemsworth shape? I loved fat Thor because it was body positive (even if it was poorly done), my much-much more body positive friends loved him.

It really seems like just the skinny folk, or people that can’t

Every Avenger handled the fallout of Infinity War differently. And Thor’s was to sink into depression, maybe because he lost more than the rest of the Avengers did overall. I’m a big guy, but I didn’t feel shamed by his portrayal. Jeez.

Yes. It’s worth pointing out that when he got his mojo back at the end, he didn’t instantly lose the weight (which would’ve been so easy to do), so we got Badass Fat Thor too.

They also titled the slide where they shit on Zeus’s costume “Thumbs Down” while apparently not knowing that in ancient Rome a thumbs down during a gladiatorial fight mean the gladiator performed well and his life should be spared. While thumbs up means kill him.

I’ve starred every single comment, but even that is not enough to pile onto one of the most disappointing articles I have ever read on this site (and I go waaaaay back). How on earth / Midgard did this utter tripe pass editorial approval? Maybe next time get an MCU fan to write this review, not a world weary hater. 0

This is how I felt about it even watching it the first time. Of course the initial reaction is to laugh, because we’re used to seeing Thor as this Adonis, so it’s a shock, but if you left that first scene thinking it was mean to fat people, and not “holy crap, this guy is seriously an emotional wreck right now, and he

and we didn’t ask for it.

I’m right there with you. Having depressed Thor sitting around playing Nintendo, drinking beer, but maintaining his buff surfer body would have seemed... off. I thought his story was handled with humor but also with empathy. I’m a fat guy, and I had no problem with any of it.

Yikes. This is less of a breakdown and more like a lot of gripes. The CGI complaints for example are kinda unecessary. It’s the first teaser and while the movie comes out in July, that’s still a lot of room for tweaks and improvements.

Most CGI looks weird when paused too, this is like complaining about weird

And even if they’re right, they’re still wrong, because a quick google search will reveal that Marvel Olympus is all flying buttresses and space pillars going nowhere in the comics, so it’s not all that bad of an adaptation. I mean look at this:

Thank you for your attempt to kill joy on this Monday. 

Never mind that we have ZERO CONTEXT FOR WHERE THIS MIGHT ACTUALLY BE. It’s one thing to criticize, it’s an entirely another thing to criticize based on your speculative read.

All the uhhh “This alien planet with Greek gods on it doesn’t look very Greek” stuff is reminiscent of the invective shot at Marvel for making Heimdall black.  Consider rolling with it instead.