
They have the third best o line in league so it’s going to be hard to do that.


It’s interesting. My anecdote it’s the opposite for the older kids, but the younger kids look more Korean.

Going to need some facts to back up this hot take...

What’s the opinion on campus like?

He’s talking about the first time around buddy.

Giselle’s pretty white

He also lived in Houston which probably helped.

Not psyche or math?

Shut up, or stop making things up. It’s been out there as part of his good guy campaign that he was so close to grandpa that he texted before every game. It’s okay if he’s an asshole.

My problem with the question was the overall premise was incorrect.

How much you worth kid?

But he wasn’t.

Weird question, have you ever been to a state school? Expulsion for any student who artacks another student. On a Friday night you might lose a fair bit of enrolled students or Greek organizations.

I am not because it assumes a lot of things.

The severity of actions were met with a reasonable punishment. Reasonable people can disagree on this matter. Your Oklahoma state glasses not withstanding.

So your saying football job is a privelege son, not a right. Good job on that.

Sorry, but this wasn’t abuse.

Huh? It was a federal case where he got more than the recommended amount of time. Not sure why you think he got away with something like raping multiple women or beating his live in girlfriend.

The term rape stand though shocking is pretty much how most artificial breeding works.