
It’s not uncommon for doors to be inoperable after an impact. This goes for all kinds of doors - even normal manual ones.

Things don’t look good for FCA in particular. The company recently killed off two mid-sized sedans—the Chrysler 200 and the Dodge Dart—and seem to be focusing on selling large trucks and SUVs.

The log book? How could he, it was holding the car up.

That Tercel may be old, but it’s cherry.

More like Tree-cel, amiright?

There’s a big difference between criticizing a person and threatening them. Talk about sensitive snowflakes.

To be clear, if the EPA/WH believe Pruitt needs additional security, then he should have it. But it’s not “hate” to point out that his push for radical deregulation is dangerous and counterproductive to both protecting the environment and restoring the economy.

If your plan for governance is so terrible that it makes you believe you need a 24/7 security detail, you might want to rethink your plan.

Those loony leftists, always getting angry just because someone wants to poison them to make a few bucks.

I still have my N64... I use it play video games. Because that’s what it does.

You need to dial back your tough Internet guy bit about 15 notches right now.

Found the lonely unmarried bastard.

its clever engineering but then again Land Rover has a history of clever engineering, sometimes too clever. The end results are insane repair bills, and complicated engineering solutions are that...whats the word...less than reliable. I would hate to have to buy a new bonnet for a disco

She managed to seduce you with it. Dare I say it was more of a....Bae-woo?

Wait the back of my car says V70

He probably has a fuelshark plugged in.

Couldn’t we have something a little less spectacular to start out our Saturday mornings? I’m sitting here on the couch, and after 2 hours of non-movement this article really makes me look bad. Couldn’t you have found an article about a guy who almost didn’t get butter stain on his sweatshirt to make us all feel like

Is it tiring having to couch every fucking thing in terms of liberals vs conservatives?

Water cooled 2/10 would not date

All my sides are prole sides.