
Ugh, no go on my Evo. Apparently, the package file I download from the marketplace isn't signed correctly.

@werk: Yes, it has an SD card slot, but it also offers built in flash storage as well. That's great news for me, because I've already filled up my 16GB microsd card.

Keep in mind, however, that Notion Ink's site about the Adam mentions several versions with varying amounts of built in storage ala iPad (16/32 GB). I'm going to guess the $449 price would be for the 16 GB version with the Pixel Qi screen.

Caprice Fimbres McIlvaine? Good god, that sounds like the name of a sea captain in the 1800s or some shit.

The reaction to Blam's reaction was just disgusting. I can't believe there were people fat, sweaty, and lonely enough to make death threats towards somebody because some useless accessories were tossed aside.

When I read that part about eliminating profit sharing and the pay cuts, a part of my soul died.

Oh man, I totally want to live there now. I wish it was like that over here in Miramar; there's literally nothing to enjoy looking at here but miles of roads.

That's an album cover? Hell, it reminds me of ten years ago when I would burn random music mixes to CDs and print pictures of random things like this out in order to later identify it once it was in a jewel case.

He looks like the kind of guy who would do something like this. I dunno, it's something about the mischievous way his eyes look at the camera and that really fake smile.

@KingPsyz is not on the recall list: You iPhone guys have gotten TONS of terrific apps before us; hell, there are apps you guys have that we have little to no chance of getting. It's only fair that this occur :).

I still can't believe there's so much fuss and controversy surrounding this thing. It isn't jaw dropingly stunning , it doest't bring anything new to the table, it's just white.

At risk of death by firing squad, I'm going to come out and say this guy isn't a complete idiot. The Jersey Shore cast could NEVER think of words like proliferation and British constitution, let alone spell them. The fact that he realized that those words were difficult to say while drunk is rather impressive.

I think I'd gag if I came across that. Those keys and the mouse must be positively filthy.

Smarter is coming, yes. But not from Sony.

@geowrian: I think he's basing his statement on the assumption that Apple will release the Verizon version of the iPhone in January of 2011. That seems to be the date that gets the most attention. If it is released around that time, then his statement does hold some validity; if you were to wait until June, you would

They're cute as fuck, but you do not want to be within petting distance of them. Panda bears can disfigure your ass if you get too cozy with them.

@swargolet001: This is actually a shot from the Droid X commercials. Duhhh.

This reminds me of those clipboards my dad used to have that had a built in calculator at the top. Those were some fun clipboards to play with.