
Incorrect, good sir. That title will belong to the Galaxy Note once it receives ICS.

It would make an okay phone. It does not make an okay 'tablet' in any way, shape, or form. My Galaxy Note has a larger screen than this and it still falls under the category of (freaking awesome) phone. It's also much thinner than this device, by the looks of things. A mere .7" difference in screen size doesn't

IT'S NOT A TUMAH! IT'S...actually much more complicated than that.

I'd suggest Amazon; it looks like they have it for $100 with free shipping new, which is what I paid. While the newer model, the Kodak Playtouch, is $30 more, I'd advise against it, since it looks like Kodak made quite a few mistakes with it based on the customer reviews.

I still have my Kodak Zi8, and I'm fairly certain it's better than the models listed here. That microphone port has become invaluable at this point, and I still can't believe they managed to cram it into a 'budget' camcorder.

I adore my pull up bar. Only problem I have with it is that the height of my door frame means that I can't do dead hang pull up/chin ups unless I stick my legs straight out, which isn't exactly comfortable.

As a child, I recall playing in one of those McDonald's PlayPlaces. I was crawling up one of those tube slides one day, and the passage ahead of me was literally smeared with shit everywhere. I vacated the premises with my mommy immediately.

If you have any invites left, I figured I might as well try to mooch my way in :P.

Agreed. The pictures taken with my Epic look fantastic, the videos even more so (Especially with the Voodoo Sound fix). Sprint coverage hasn't been a problem either.

The recent scorching temperatures here in South Florida have made jogging the last thing on my mind, unfortunately. I guess I'll just have to make do with the Asylum.

I got mine from JC Penney, but they sell it online as well. Just look for the Relic brand website if you're interested.

Playing Toaster Run on my sister's beige PC in 1999 while begging my parents for some archaic PDA offered by Earthlink or some similar company. I was seven years old at the time, which I consider to this day a startlingly young age to be introduced to the wonder that is computers.

Oh man, I think I'd honestly pass out then and there. I just can't imagine seeing any animal in a sealed can of something, let alone a mouse.

@OCEntertainment: The press release states that it's got 1GB of RAM, just like the Atrix. If Sprint sticks to their usual release schedule of phones, this will be one of, if not their only flagship phones until next year.

@MacAttack: It looks like this only applies to large eggs. One can only imagine the Extra Large or Jumbo sized eggs having even more cholesterol.

Ooh, it's the stars of the sequel to most popular mobile game of all time.

The spring break video would have been a bit more believable had they not included a link to (or I'm on a Boat, for that matter). If one didn't know who the Lonely Island was, it could almost pass as real.

Very nice move, Apple. There's nothing negative that can be said about this move. I only wish other hardware manufacturers would do the same.

@BadJoJo: Hell yes. I can speak out in support for Insanity: it's as basic as you can get, not requiring so much as a single chair. I'm going to be finishing up this first round next week (fucking hate Max Interval Circuit, though). I plan to do as many rounds as I possibly can. There's no denying that the old school