
“Like this?”

Man it’s fucking disheartening to see so many “We have no answer at this time” responses when this console hits shelves in less then 2 months.

In fairness The Wolverine was pretty good until it completely fell apart in the 3rd act.

I want to be excited, but for me they’ve dropped the ball twice so I’m wary. Maybe this will go under the old “bad books make good moves” addage.

Those cookies better come in loot boxes and be 99% oatmeal rasin. If they ask, though, tell them it’s a balanced variety.

I think JRPGs are hard to justify playing over the age of, oh, 23 at the oldest? They don’t respect your time at all and they’re all composed of the same tropes. A hard sell if you’re not already a fan of the genre.

Why would Overwatch get crap for their female designs? They've got a varied cast of female characters (shapes, sizes, nationalities, abilities, personalities, etc).

Skullgirls doesn’t catch much flak because it’s being very upfront about the cheesecake qualities of the cast, just like Bayonetta. They’re not trying to mask any of the cast’s sexiness behind some ridiculous claim (like breathing through their skin, or being 1,000 year old people who look like children).

Best girl D.Va front and center, nice one.

If they can’t afford full CG I actually wouldn’t mind if they went the route of the end credit’s sequence. Kind of stylized, manga-ish

Jedi should be above The Force Awakens as Evan said its total payoff the end to the six Episode Vader Fall/Redemption arc that is the heart of the story. Some of the best space battles of the original trilogy where you actually see Capital Ships fighting. Luke fully embracing and understanding his role in the

Disagree on the quality of the names. I always hated the name "Jasen."

Let’s be honest though...having the best aim of any Stormtrooper is a pretty low bar to set. That’s like being the fastest sloth.

Yeeeees. Halo: Reach

It means sex in Japan.

Maybe someone here will know. ...

This show was great. Anna really was the star. Without her reaction to what’s going on the whole thing wouldn’t have flowed anywhere near as well as it did.

Oh boy, looks like it’s gonna be a Cloudy day today.

The tears are so salty. I vote for Undertale not because I think it’s the greatest game of all time, but because I don’t think Final Fantasy 7 and Zelda:OOT are the greatest games either.

I have to say I find this a silly and pointless complaint. Lucas did not use female background characters much. So what? One of his main characters, a reasonable badass and NOT some damsel in distress (as you point out) IS female. In the original Star Trek the only female character on the bridge was Uhura who only got