
thinking about trying my hand at writing a script, maybe adapting one of my short stories. i’ve been published as a romance writer and have now switched to writing horror, four of those stories sold to weirdbook, a horror magazine. i just have to be confident that i can do this. who knows, i may get a completed script

Now playing

You’re on the better end of the spectrum. Because my father is retired and I’m on disability we’re getting less each month! :D

I prefer it in lasagna over ricotta cheese, but I’m sure those are fighting words on a foodie blog...

Been rocking cottage cheese in my lasagna since 1990 (along with romano, parm and mozz). Ricotta can take its grainy ass texture somewhere else .

Man I would love to sand that smug look off her face. I’m an old white guy and I really do not understand WTF is going on in this world anymore. We should be happy a kid is trying to make a couple of bucks, not hurting anyone, offering a service some people would appreciate.  WT ever-lovin F?

Off topic: I decided a few weeks ago to pause my adblocker on the Kinja sites I visit, including Jezebel, because I know the financial situation you all are in and I genuinely want to support you. I enjoy this site, and if dealing with some ads helps keep GMG afloat, that’s fine.

And that’s it. I’m cutting the cable to my cable, and I’m burning all but one of my beloved TV series boxed sets that I have kept well past their technological usefulness, keeping only my prized Chinese bootleg of the Golden Girls.

Just going to toss this out there.

The trick to putting booze in a Frostee is to make sure it tastes good going down AND coming back up.

Aviate.Navigate.Communicate. in that order always.

I’ve found I’ve been much happier with animated, illustrated or written porn lately. That stuff can still include lots of suspect content, but at the very least the number of actual human beings made to feel uncomfortable in the creation of it is smaller.

Diana, I’m not trying to be rude, but you really need to brush up on your proofreading skills.

Yum! I have a London broil marinating for tomorrow’s dinner, which I’ll have with mashed potatoes and roasted asparagus. I’ll have to pick up a nice red wine to go with it.

So do people not just run to Target when they are a) invited to a pool party b) are going on vacation or c) decide they finally are going to use the gym’s jacuzzi anyway even if all those skinny bitches will be judging you? And do they not just pull out the first swimsuit that is not hideous and looks like it’ll fit

as soon as I unhinged my bra, they would fly across the room!

A quick internet search tells me that not only does United carry way more animals than other airlines, but that United checks dogs and cats and also rabbits and household birds, which most other airlines refuse. They also will transport brachycephalic dog breeds, which most other airlines refuse. So I’m sure that has

I’m with you on Arizona. They say the Tucson area has fewer MAGA wingnuts than most other places.

Nice marmot!