
It was such an odd comment on his part. I don’t even understand that in this case. I don’t get where having an open conversation fits in. The dude harassed people because he hated them. Now he expects them to sit down with him and what? Explain to him why they aren’t actually terrible? This guy is the worst.


That’s pretty generous to the Knicks

The circumstances surrounding deficit spending were most certainly different. Krugman’s come out against deficit spending for wars and tax cuts, and has been in favor of deficit spending for infrastructure. That’s hardly flip-flopping. It just means that he has a certain set of policy preferences. It’s a lot more

I agree. I just think there are some months when we could use Krugman every other day, and some months where there’s not much new to write about (although I guess in our current dystopia, bad news and bullshit come fast and furious — that’s why in some ways I enjoy his blog more than his column. Quick and easy

I think he seems repetitive sometimes because the Republicans believe that that repackaging Reaganomics over and over again, despite its complete failure at every level of government over 30 years, will somehow magically make it work.

What kind of monster tells Dolan not to quit his day job?

Uh, as a 20 year U.S. Navy pilot who watched 9/11 from the ship and then proceeded to fly in every military campaign since then, I think I understand terrorism and the geopolitical environment pretty well. And considering I’ve had to study this stuff while getting my Masters at the U.S. Navy War College, while at

I found out about this from my dad. After having dinner with him, he sent me and my sister a text saying he loves us and not to go anywhere alone for the next few days.

There is a distinction between rejecting following a tenant of the faith versus taking the stance that it is not required or an obligation on yourself. Opting to not fast without a valid reason is a sin. If you do not believe that fasting is a requirement if you do not have a valid excuse, then that does mean that

Saad’s is THE BEST, and Ramadan was always a sad time when I was living in West Philly.

I usually go about 4x a year, and was getting close to this being around the time to go again and it being Ramadan I wasn’t sure.

Fortunately, Tepesch will be able to exact his revenge later, through impalement.

Don’t be so hyperbolic. None of this is about planning your life. National health care works in several other nations. There are plenty of models to choose from. By capping costs and centralizing coverage we’d save money overall without denying people essential care. Our tax dollars would actually go towards paying

Here’s the thing - absolutely no option that involves private insurance is the right way to proceed. They’re all just *slightly* different flavours of terrible.

Here’s the thing - absolutely no option that involves private insurance is the right way to proceed. They’re all just *slightly* different flavours of terrible.

I’m a software developer that used to specialize in network security software and and network hardware for a long time.

You’re right, it’s not broken. Perhaps we should try and keep our ISPs from taking a fucking sledgehammer to it.

I find Quick Play incredibly useful for training up on a particular hero that I’m not super competent with. Like, “Hey, I never play Zenyatta, and the practice range is only good for so much, so I’ll load into QP where the stakes are low so that I can get a few rounds in as Zen without feeling like I’m going to screw