There isn’t going to be a strike. The owners are rent-seekers, and will preemptively lock the players out to force them to take less money.
There isn’t going to be a strike. The owners are rent-seekers, and will preemptively lock the players out to force them to take less money.
Studs weren’t showing though - if you look at it carefully, there’s no way his studs could have made contact with the player, and they didn’t make contact. If he were Paul Scholes, it wouldn’t have even been a yellow (I think it deserved a yellow).
Remember seeing that. Thought the call was wrong then, and still do - he didn’t catch the player, and others have gotten away with worse in England. Much worse.
Wanyama should start every match on a yellow card.
Both Xhaka red cards were extremely harsh. He’s a really good passer though.
The circumstances surrounding deficit spending were most certainly different. Krugman’s come out against deficit spending for wars and tax cuts, and has been in favor of deficit spending for infrastructure. That’s hardly flip-flopping. It just means that he has a certain set of policy preferences. It’s a lot more…
I think the omission was intentional. He’s saying Paul Krugman does not suck. Which is entirely correct.
Except that both the policy and macroeconomic circumstances involving budget deficits vary, and those variations color one’s opinions as to whether deficits are a good idea. Deficit spending when interest rates are high to finance tax cuts is crazy.
Seeing her other posts, I think you’re right, but at the same, that doesn’t give you the right to say someone’s not a Muslim because they don’t fast without valid reason. It makes that person a bad muslim, certainly, but no more than that.
I haven’t been to Philly in several years, but it was closed in Ramadan last time I was there. I was really annoyed when I found out.
Or close entirely (thinking of a place in Philly just west of UPenn).
I think you’re misunderstanding what the poster is saying. She’s saying that one shouldn’t question muslims who are not fasting during Ramadan, or make judgments about them. I can agree with that, if only because people are entitled to the benefit of the doubt - they might have a valid reason for not fasting.
Your wife may think the ACA is a disaster, but the AMA has come out and condemned this bill.
This. Would you be so kind as to repost as a top-level comment?
Exactly. It’s arguably anticompetitive, and I’m surprised an antitrust case hasn’t been filed yet.
United is currently a step down from Dortmund. Dortmund are currently one of the 6-7 best teams in the world (Real, Barca, Bayern, Juve, Atletico, Man City) are the others. Young players that get playing time at Dortmund don’t leave for the Premier League: clubs have tried to buy Gotze, Reus, and others. Hasn’t…
Judges, and not justices. This is the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, a Federal Appellate Court, not a State Supreme Court. The case argued that the Wisconsin law was so egregious as to violate the voting rights act. The court was split 5-5 on whether to review the legality of the law. That doesn’t involve the…
Incorrect. That was at a motion for en banc review, where the court voted 5-5 on whether to rehear the case in its entirety. Four other judges joined Posner’s opinion regarding the Wisconsin statute. The full record and briefing was available to the court, and Posner cites it pretty extensively. Or did you not…