
She also understands cellular phones now!

Because he wasn’t the real Cooper, at least not completely. His detachment during the sex scene and his cold demeanor in the diner seemed much more characteristic of Mr. C as if the two had merged in some way.

For 16 episodes my reaction to The Return ranged from cautious optimism to outright anger. But these last 2 really made everything click in to place. Everything you’ve said is spot on, but I also think there is an element of turning the idea of a reboot back in to the fans that wanted it. In essence, they are

Just looking at the scene for what’s there, it’s not pointless at all. That was the face of the man who raped her, if not the man himself, so it doesn’t surprise me that she covered it with her hands. It was an extremely vulnerable, uncomfortable scene, as it should have been and illuminated Diane’s psychology

Is it just me or is this site seeming to post a LOT more video then it used to? I liked coming on here for the reading aspect of it.

Mad props to Kyle MacLachlan for being able to play four characters in the same series so distinctly; and to jump right back into one of them after so long like no time had passed. We didn’t see much of the actual Dougie, but his delivery of the line “That’s weird” remains one of my favorite bits in the early season.

You couldn’t have asked for a better return for Cooper. Back and ready to get down to business, while still doling out wisdom and kindness. Sure, i wouldn’t have minded if he came back a few episodes earlier, but any complaints I had melted away in that scene.

In today’s world we need more kindness and decency, and more hearts of gold.

I’ll give this one shot - Kinja is hell. Anyway, my many-crossposted comments -

Sensational episode. I was enjoying the revival for pretty much the whole time, but the episodes from about 9 to 12 were severely testing ny patience at times. My confidence was gradually restored the last few episodes and this episode is the reward for sticking with it. Cooper is back! And damn if we don’t all love

IDK if it is stupid or not, but what was stupid is changing it right at the season finale of GoT, knowing how much it would be discussed in the comments. They couldn’t have waited a few days after to do the switcheroo?

I rewatched the premiere a few nights ago and it was almost better than I remembered. I think the season may even be better the second time around.

Happy to star. I had many of the same feelings and questions. I love the Mitchum brothers. I don’t know why. But I do. And I’m worried about Becky. Well, more like sad about her because I’m pretty sure she’s gone. I thought Richard’s death was long coming and perfect. Diane being a Tulpa was unexpected, although come

I’m sure it’s frustrating, but it is a “Review/Recap,” so perhaps you should be prepared for spoilers, or just watch first.

When Audrey walked into the Roadhouse, I yelled at my TV “Eat that, Internet! It’s not a coma!”

Understatement of the year. How do the fucking idiots at AVC not realize this is a disaster...

Yup. Hate it. Not because it is different, but because it is vastly inferior to how we were able to communicate on Disqus. It was so much better before. In so many ways..