
I underestimated her evil and cunning! I was sure that whole meeting arrangement was a trap, and I kept expecting something terrible to happen -- especially when Tyrion went off and the others were just hanging around in the empty dragon stadium. This is a woman who blew the Sept sky-high!

This is the first big test since the changeover. It is...not going swimmingly.

And Cersei wasn’t going to follow through on her promise anyway so the whole endeavor was actually pointless, but it did get some good scenes with characters who never interacted before which is what Benioff and Weiss were after. But still.

Jon didn’t even ask Brienne about his sister or the north...Brienne could’ve told him about Arya.

There is more sexual tension between Dany and Cersei than between Dany and Jon.

Kinja is stupid. The end.

Finally, all those dickless Theon jokes paid off. 

Eat it, Littlefinger!

Also, potentially RIP Tormund and Beric.

Jaime is going to the good guys. That makes me happy.

Rhaeger named both of his sons “Aegon” for no reason? There are about a million Targ related names, show. Pick one.

“Maybe it really is all cocks in the end.”

“Oh hey guy I met briefly years ago. I’m gonna tell you Jon’s parentage, but I’m not going to tell my sisters, for no reason.”


Well on the plus side I was blocked out of making a new AV Club account on my email for some dumbass reason, so now y’all get to enjoy my kinja burner. Muahahaha!

I sure hope the original comments will appear again...

I can’t wait to read the next GOT review, which typically has thousands of comments and try to decipher who is commenting to whom, or download some additional plugin. Which, by the way, if someone in the last 3 weeks was able to develop a rudimentary way to nest comments, why can’t the paid developers and owners of

Still porting ‘em over I guess.

[looks around]

“The A.V. Club started following you”