
Hahah. NOW I get it. I'm a little slow sometimes.

I wasn't expecting the Gordon & Albert show, but I'm loving it. I've thoroughly enjoyed every new scene of theirs and since then I've gone back and re-watched the original series, I appreciate those two even more.
When Gordon and Albert stare at each other and Gordon tells him "Albert, sometimes I really worry about

I liked Ellaria better when she was John Luther's ex wife….

hope so.

Yara isn't a Sand Snake. They're all dead.

What about Yara? Is that the last we'll see of her…is she going to rot away in a cell? :(

you mean the "shame! shame! shame!" nun that tortured Cersei?

I hear what you're saying, it is awful to have to watch your child die and then rot. I was more agreeing with Myles and I meant that I was relieved, or, "Was glad Cersei—and the writers—went for poetry over brutality in that moment, content to evoke the threat of rape without having to depict it."

they don't seem to care how awful their leader's actions are, they still support her.
Hmm, sounds kinda familiar….

I feel the same about Jaime—what are his motivations? Love? Really?? Come on. He had been able to see himself through Brienne's eyes—-after their whole bath scene where he admits to her the real story about being the King Slayer— and that he is a redeemable person. I forget what season it was, but when he gives her

I don't feel as much rage against Ellaria as some do. I mean, yes, it upset me that she killed Myrcella, but, I wasn't looking forward to Cersei extracting her revenge on Ellaria. I was thinking it was going to be way more brutal & gruesome and including the Mountain I was relieved[?] there was no rape or torture

Littlefinger basically told her that she has to know everything…and what do you know, Bran/three eyed Raven is at the door!

Well, he's no Max Von Sydow, so he has to have that stare.

Me too. I kept thinking 'damn, she's a fucking brat."

Oh, please, please, please let that be true. I would love it if it's Jaime that strangles her.

True, but, was Jaime really that broken up about their father's death?

I thought it'd be more gruesome. I mean, sure, it's terrible to watch your child die painfully in front of you & then rot…but, that's it?

So, now that Jaime knows it was Olenna that killed Joff, he will tell Cersei. I wonder how Cersei will react towards Tyrion…

Well, Bran did tell Sansa that he needed to speak with Jon…so, let's hope he tells him who he really is…

Diana Rigg made that role. She was brilliant in it.