
Me too!!

I was hoping that Arya was at the gates of Winterfell, but, I'll take Bran/Three-eyed Raven.

She's f-ing awesome. That might be my favorite FU in the series.

And, that's how you go out.
Queen of m-f-ing Thorns!!!

I hope Brienne kills Littlefinger when he makes a pass at Sansa. Or, even better: Sansa kills her predator.

I couldn't really follow what was happening b/c it was so dark and the camera kept jumping back and forth. I thought it was just me. I thought they stabbed Euron in the groin and elsewhere and I couldn't understand why he wasn't dying.

Sam was wearing gloves, no?

Would've been a good job for Ramsey Bolton…

I think that Jon has to be the "one, true Prince." b/c he's the only one who actually cares about the people that he's responsible for/leads. This episode continues to highlight that Jon is the only selfless one of the bunch vying for the throne. He doesn't want to be king, he just wants to protect the people from the

She's mine too. I cried when Nymeria and her pups showed up (yay! more Dire Wolves. Perhaps they're not endangered anymore?) and Nymeria stopped growling b/c she knew it was Arya. At first, I was confused, when Arya said 'that's not you.', then realized that she couldn't make Nymeria do something she didn't want to

I think Theon has PTSD and he chose to leap overboard rather than go back to being a prisoner. He's not healed yet, as much as Yara would've liked him to be.

This episode had more sadness in it, (well, for me, it did). Richard beating to death the school teacher, then attacking his grandma, then the domestic dispute/beating in the trailer. Maybe I'm too sensitive and couldn't handle the brutality this time.

I want to see him die a miserable death.
I also kept yelling at the grandma, 'get up! call 911!! come on!'
Really frustrating to see weak and or vapid women on this show. Any scene where Candie is featured is infuriating. Well, ok, the fly scene was funny, but enough of the airheaded-ness.

Power for power's sake. Maybe Cersei hurts Tyrion and that's the last straw for Jaime and he kills her. (I hope) :)

The WW were created by the Children of the forest to protect them from man. The night king was created by them shoving a piece of dragon glass into his chest.
I don't recall if that was in the books(?)

I didn't even consider Ellaria or the Sand Snakes. Possibly. I'd love it if that were the case. But, sadly, I think the gift he's going to bring Cersei is the dragon horn (or, whatever it's called). I won't be able to handle watching any dragons die. I care more about the CGI characters that the people. ha.

the wall is protected by magic. Benjen Stark told Bran and Meera that he couldn't go there b/c (for lack of a better explanation) the Children of the Forest added magic to the wall. That keeps the undead out.

Tyrion is her younger brother though. Maybe he kills her b/c Jaime can't do it. I dunno…

I hope Arya teams up with the Hound.

The more I think about it, the more I believe Jaime has to kill Cersei to save people. It's the Mad King all over again. He's paid for his sins and redeemed himself and he does have good in him, he sees that through Brienne's eyes. Cersei will never back down. It's just power for power's sake now.