
i thought someone mentioned last week on Talking Dead that the writers are fans of The Wire. Or, maybe I dreamt that.

I never read the comics. I would like to know some of his backstory too (in the show). Was he always such a psycho, or was there an incident that made him that way? But, I also don't want people who've read the comics to tell me.

to each her/his own.

Buffy was the best show.
The Wire was a close 2nd. But I think Luther might have edged out The Wire.

it was a homage of sorts to Omar from The Wire. He whistled that before shit went down.

I'm pretty sure that Michonne's whistling was a nod to Omar, from The Wire.

he reminds me of the way Joe Cocker would move around when he sang.

"We get that he’s scary, but he needs to be more than just scary—he needs to be a monster people willingly believe in."
But, do they really believe in Negan? I think they just want to stay alive. I am betting that many of them would be happy if he was dead.

someone on Twitter said that she'd better not meet Carol b/c she'd make her look at the flowers. Hahahaha.

very true: a group of women were smarter than Rick. Perhaps he could learn a thing or two….

I thought it was a connection episode to FTWD as well.
Yep, she was w/the Governor and then switched sides and came into the prison after that battle outside the prison. She had finally snapped after witnessing how cruel the Gov. was…

Agreed. That episode worked b/c it made the viewers understand how Morgan got to be who he is (I also liked the episode "Clear" which focuses on him). I like Tara, but, couldn't the episode just have been a flashback? I think it's a given at this point that Negan has hurt many people and that there are MANY smaller

11 million?? I'm thinking that people hate watch it b/c they've stuck with it for so long and want to see how it ends. ;)

I think the only single character episode that worked was "Here's Not Here" with Morgan and Eastman :`( . But, I am probably biased b/c Morgan is my favorite character.

"I just knew the men the women spoke of losing, were the men Rick and Co. took out—so glad I was wrong."
I thought that too! Whew.

zzzzzzz. oh, sorry. I fell asleep.
I like Tara, but did we really need this episode to reveal another community that had been horrifically affected by Negan (as sad as it was)?
Feels like a filler episode and the pacing of the series is so slow now. Two more episodes, then the show returns in February. Uugh.

my favorite show to re-watch: Buffy. Many, many times and it *still* holds up.

there are a few episodes that I have re-watched that I love, but the entire series? Uugh, no. So many episodes are too painful to re-watch.

I'm almost afraid to re-watch TD season 1 b/c I think it won't have the same impact….but, I'm tempted.

one of the coolest toys of my childhood in the 1970's-80's.