
I agree: Big Love and Lost. Lost, especially b/c it wouldn't have the same initial impact.
And, I respectfully disagree about The Wire. I've re-watched it and it still has the same impact.

but, knowing Logan's track record…I would doubt him wanting to be involved.

I had no idea that Lauren Graham and Peter Krause were together, so, upon reading that, it made me happier. (I never watched Parenthood and Six Feet Under was one of my favorite series).

true. perhaps she should have said Stringer Bell. I was just excited about a reference of one of my favorite characters in one of my favorite series.

"2) it genuinely bugged me that they tried to pass that fake blond dude off as chad michael murray bc it made me rewind like three times to try and figure out if i knew that actor"
It bugged me too! I had to rewind it twice to see who he was.

I assumed that Rory had a trust fund, or, maybe inherited money after her grandfather died(?), which was how she was able to jet back and forth btw London and Stars Hollow. Her "homeless" situation got a serious eye roll from me

OMG, me too! When Lorelai mentioned her dirty bathroom dreams, it never occurred to me that anyone else would have them. I thought I was the only weirdo. haha

"(She's dead, Harry,) …wrapped in plastic."
and then Leland Palmer is in a few scenes afterward?

"You have more burners than Omar Little."
Best pop cultural reference so far.

that was the Ford Pinto that had those issues. Both odd looking cars…

HAHAHAHA. this is true….and they weren't even rollerblades, but, old school four-wheeled skates. It reminded me of the skates I had as a kid.

I really liked the rollerskating scene. It was shot so well and it reminded us that Enid and Corrrrral are just kids and that they never get a chance to be *just* kids.
I do agree that the episode was overall pretty boring and didn't move the plot along very much.
I'm glad we got to see Jesus…he's one badass ninja.

I feel like we need Indiana Jones to look at him and just shoot him….

good one!
In my dream world, Dany has her dragons burn the crap out of the Saviors OR, Cersei plants wildfire beneath the Saviors' camp.

I sense some political parallels here…..

"For one thing, “Service” is too long, especially for an episode which is largely the same note played over and over again."
^This times infinity. I was saying to my tv, as if anyone was listening, "YES, WE GET IT! Move on!"

thus, ASOIAF.

he said he's on vacation this week….he'll be back.

I want to see Ghost and Nymeria….and some more warging by Arya and Jon. Dammit.
