
Everyone has short term memory loss…much like IRL.

I'm hoping that she's not really dead….

Maybe Stephen King can just write it….

I need something a bit lighter. Maybe I'll re-watch The Walking Dead.

Miles is on vacation. Someone else is supposed to write the review…coming up later.
We just like to geek out before the review is posted.

I absolutely love that moment in LOTR. I cry EVERY time.

I half expected Jon to say, "no, no, guys, I really don't want to be King of the North…seriously. Sansa might though…"

When she told him that he was a Stark to her….

Lady Mormont and Olenna. Now that would be a great duo.

Maybe Tyrion will tell Dany the truth about Jaime's Kingslayer story…

Maybe Jaime will join his brother and Dany….

me too. because someone FINALLY recognized him as a valuable person.

yes, that too….

Gee, I'd love to read the next book before the next season starts in 2017…
Write faster, GRRM.

I chuckled when she said that they were difficult to cut up…

Totally! I think he shit his pants in that scene.

when I saw that Dorne was in the "previously on GoT" segment I actually groaned, "aw, nooo!!"

I'm going with that she knows how to produce them.

those little birds were quite creepy.

I thought the same thing! ha!