When you look at the costs in fuel and maintenance you are better off buying a luxury SUV and staying in a nice rental cabin nearby.
It isn’t like most RVs can really get deep into the wilderness.
When you look at the costs in fuel and maintenance you are better off buying a luxury SUV and staying in a nice rental cabin nearby.
It isn’t like most RVs can really get deep into the wilderness.
Generally, yes. I did buy a very small teardrop’esque trailer this year after thinking about it for years and so far so good. However, it has only the most rudimentary of electric system and zero plumbing/heating/cooling of any sort.
Alternative idea: don’t buy an RV. They’re just the absolute worst.
This kid needs a baseball bat full of rusty nails to the knees and hands.
Texas’ failures are well documented. So while I have been there, you don’t need to go there to see how bad it is. You don’t need to get radiation poisoning to know that camping at Chernobyl is a bad idea.
Although, I am not a pacifist, I wish I could star this several times. When anyone disregards other lives so callously, they should lose all rights of their own for 20 minutes chained to a chair where surviving victims or decedent’s families can do whatever they want to them—want to yell, fine, want to skin them…
Wealthy WHITE people with connections.
When Haiti has a better electrical grid than your state, the arguments that you’re not a “failed state” KINDA go out the window...
He is going to plead he has Affluenza and can’t be held responsible like that other little dipshit that killed people with his car in Texas
Agreed, this bizarre 3 milestones of adulthood in the US (16, 18, 21) needs to stop.
This kid needs a baseball bat to the knees.
“No.” - Wealthy people with connections
Yeah I was going to write a comment how its not worth the dangers of riding on the road but these folks were training ironman so how else would they do it.
A 16 year old driving a modified 5 year old super duty. My guess is mommy and daddy will “take care” of it from the legal side with a few phone calls. Poor kid just sneezed with affluenza is all.
Texas is a failed state. I’m sooo incredibly sick of these fucking idiots being allowed to pull this shit. ENOUGH. To bad he was allowed to walk away from the scene.
Another daily reminder that Texas is a third-world state.
If you’re old enough/judged responsible enough to drive a vehicle on public roads, you’re old enough/responsible enough to face adult charges for vehicular crimes.
As a fellow cyclist, this is why I’m starting to avoid road biking. Luckily I have a bike trail near my house, but I don’t trust drivers anymore. Either they are distracted or assholes to cyclists. No need to try to kill cyclists since they are making you to get somewhere slower. We take up the lane for our safety.
Plus the bar fight would be way more entertaining.
Shit if I wanted to see a couple washed up dudes fight each other I’d go down to a local bar on Social Security check day.