
Look, I think the bigger story here is that he apparently knows multiple 1st graders running for class president. That’s not something you should talk about. 

It also turns out he’s been beating his wife, so triple fuck Parscale. 

There’s a certain sense of entitlement to his nature that really rubs me the wrong way. 

Seriously. It’s more or less what Georgia (the country) did years back and it absolutely worked. 

Their current claim is that “he was just trying to keep th country calm” or “he never lied.” Goddamn chicken fuckers. 

That’s what it all boils down to. That right there is the MAGA rallying cry. 

I would like to see him go into a wood chipper. 

Yup. Little shit was also sporting latex gloves, presumably to help with gun powder residue.

An update on the killings. There’s been an arrest with a Shayamalanian twist.

Oh, this dummy is adorable. He can’t even spell properly. 

I’m really wondering what the deal is with my fellow white folks. So many of them have lost their shit over Kamala and are acting like they’re doing POC a favor with garbage like this.

I wonder why the troll has glommed on to the real Lizardo for his troll name. Fuckin’ piece of shit.

Oh, I’m sure they were hoping for it. They’ll probably withhold their votes in the fall again. I wonder what Susan Sarandon feels about this?

Long Island, N.Y.

Yeah, I’ve always respected the guy and loved his work. It’s just kind of heartbreaking to see him probably be a skeev. This one hurts to see. 

Yuuup. Dollars to donuts, she’s using the ass money from her husband to fund what amounts to a vanity restaurant. I’ve sen it before. She’ll float in once a week or so, pretend to “help” out with something, then be gone in time for drinks with friends. 

He’s mastered the art of pretend manliness, which is about all they can understand in their toxic fucky minds. 

Not even DC cops. Federal and military. That’s how fucking far gone Donny Bitchcakes is. 

I hate to go off topic here, but I just wanted to point out (figure you may be interested) that this was shared over on the io9 FB page recently. The usual group of boot lickers, trolls, and neo Nazis have shown up to do what they do. Fuckin’ goat fuckers. 

Now I want a Madea movie where she fights a bunch of Nazi ass cops. I’m not even a Madea fan but I would buy that on Blu ray.