I am also a fan of “Chad.” All of this sounds like a very “Chad” thing to do. Fuck you, Chad!
I am also a fan of “Chad.” All of this sounds like a very “Chad” thing to do. Fuck you, Chad!
I’ve seen people sometimes learn something if this sort of shit happens publicly and they’re confronted in person, but even that is incredibly rare. Especially now with what we’ve seen from the re-open protesters. Ignorance and hatred are virtues to them, which helps shield them from learning a damn thing.
Exactly. It’s just another platform for them to congregate on, agree with each other, and potentially find new like-minded fuckwads. Shouting at them does nothing, using logic does nothing, and trying to appeal to their compassion does nothing. There is nothing to be gained by giving them a voice on the internet.
My first thought when I saw it went to a grand jury was that it was just another excuse for the DA to bury it, shrug, and say “hey, it wasn’t MY decision. Blame the grand jury!”
Bingo bango. They were out for blood and were looking to provoke a confrontation so they could get it. They fancied themselves Rambo, Death Wish, and Die Hard all rolled up in two hillbilly bodies.
Same. I feel bad for the guy because divorces are rough, but he can do a lot better.
You know what? I’m sure you’re right, actually. Based off my own interactions with folks in “the lifestyle” you are most definitely right.
10 bucks says she has a profile on a swingers website and part of her profile explains how she’s not racist but won’t reply to any black guys.
Same. IHOP omelets have this slightly off feel to them and it’s always been a big turn off to me. Once I found out it was because of them adding pancake mix, it all made sense.
It makes for a stronger omelet but at the cost of texture. It’s not worth it, if you ask me.
I think we need to fire a good portion of the police in this country and lock them up in cages until we can find out what’s going on.
Yup. 64 and he’s out.
Yup. 64 and he’s out.
What’s John Hinkley up to now? Someone tell the guy that he may still have a chance with Jodie Foster.
Pretty much. They’re all a big wank fest for the big names in whatever industry they cover.
I’ve heard about 8-10 hours from a few folks but I don’t know from first hand experience.
Yeah, I’m hoping a civil trial goes badly enough that it causes this fucker to kill himself in prison.
White nationalists, Nazis, etc... have long had a fetishistic relationship with all things Asian. Yang appealing to them is no surprise.
They are, without a doubt, the lamest villains in the series so far. I can’t take them seriously as a threat and they come off as more annoying than anything. Handsome Jack they ain’t, indeed.
I had the same thought. Most of this was already pretty common knowledge in about every gaming group I’ve been in.