All I’ll say about that is I want to shake the hand of the person who invented day drinking. Highly underrated activity.
All I’ll say about that is I want to shake the hand of the person who invented day drinking. Highly underrated activity.
Genius! That may just work annnnnnd.... nope.
I’ve got two jobs and I just want one that pays enough to live on.
I just hope He Hate Me comes on board as a commentator.
This all makes me want to vomit. A fucking human being should no be wired this way. And it’s not just excused by his supporters, but fucking celebrated. Jesus. I wish I could make people’s heads explode with my mind.
The thing is, they all know it’s bullshit. We know it, the GOP knows it, and fucking Wal-Mart knows it. But this all changes the argument. Instead of talking about what we need to do to actually fix the problem now Wal-Mart wants us to go over the same goddamn studies on games over and over again. It’s all bullshit.
What I gathered from this is that Watkins doesn’t actually believe in anything beyond probably being a white supremacist. “Protecting free speech” is a smokescreen for being nothing more than being an opportunist seeking to make money.
This all makes me think of Ken McElroy’s murder back in ‘81. He was basically this giant piece of shit who terrorized an entire small town. One day someone finally killed his ass in broad daylight and oddly enough, no one saw a thing.
I’m not a violent person by nature, but honestly if I came across someone doing this to any kid I would cripple the fucker. Put him in a goddamn chair for the rest of his life so he can’t pull this shit ever again.
That’s sadly all too common from what I’ve seen. Someone online (YouTube personality, blogger, etc...) talks frankly about their mental health problems and you always have that group of assholes who will joke about it, call them names, and on and on. I’ve seen those kinds of assholes even go out of their way to “poke…
From what I can tell a lot of the reaction from there comes from people unfamiliar with the setting. CDPR definitely could have explained and showed things better, but the Animals are a multicultural/racial gang led by a cybered up woman with the street name Sasquatch.
It’s “ridiculous” simply because B Lee is a giant asshole, from what I can determine from his posting history.
That’s pretty much it. It boils down to the GOP becoming the party of 4chan. All they have left is gaslighting and trolling, and by god they’re going to bring us all down with them if they can. I need a fucking drink.
God damn, that’s good.
“No, Ryan. You are the assholes.”
Indeed. It all comes down to “I got mine” and that’s all that matters. My are prime examples of this. They take advantage of every government program, tax loophole, etc... that they can, but they’ll be damned if anyone else have access to these same things.
When you have nothing but free time on your hands, this is what you do to occupy yourself with. Well, if you’ve gone batshit loco, that is. I plan on building model trains when I’m old and retired. (If I am ever able to retire)
Pretty much. I honestly think we’ve simply lost a large portion of the baby boomer generation because of a combination of 24 hours of Fox News and being unable (and unwilling) to differentiate between all the horseshit that gets shared around on FB and Twitter. It’s basically brainwashed and radicalized an entire…
Actors killed Lincoln, so this makes sense.