I want that on a shirt. Or a hat. Either way.
I want that on a shirt. Or a hat. Either way.
And Long Island is their Mississippi.
I gotta admit, I stopped watching about 4 or 5 years ago. I’ll sometimes go back on Hulu and watch a a good amount older episodes I still enjoy. Dammit... I may do that this weekend. I still remember getting in trouble in high school for using the school computer to print out random shit online about the show when it…
I just had that Office episode pop into my head where Michael gets in trouble for calling Oscar a “fag”, and he goes on a tangent about using the word “retard.” That he would never call an actual retarded person “retard,” only use it on friends who were “being retarded.”
Np. It’s such a great episode. It has this bizarre parody of the Hardy Boys in it who keep getting boners over “clues” they find. So weird. The title is “Dookie in the Urinal.”
Well, in this particular conversation, it was most definitely Eric. It’s from the episode where you see Cartman is a 9/11 truther. heh
Kyle: Yes, I’m saying one fourth of Americans are retards.
There’s also the little bit where he has no problem with a husband raping his wife, so yeah, he probably wasn’t “in on the joke.”
Really, with the language the way it is, it has historically been “latina” or “latino” depending on the gender of the individual. Latinx has gained popularity as a sort of gender neutral new term over the past few years. I do wonder if the term is appropriate here though, as Alexandria does indeed identify as a woman.…
MSNBC interviewed a former guard at one of the camps, and it’s pretty telling.
I always wondered why every match that was a no DQ didn’t just devolve into two guys pounding each other in the dick until someone gave up or something ruptured. Hell, the Royal Rumble should just be thirty dudes breaking each other’s dicks until everyone is too weak to go over the ropes.
I have to believe we’ll come back from this, but this shit will take generations of hard work. Fuck, I need a drink.
It doesn’t help that Moolah was always shit in the ring and on the mic, as far as I’ve seen. Beyond politicking, I don’t know how she became as big a “legend” as she did.
I think what Coogler was doing was showing that despite them being an isolationist culture who have not exported anything over the centuries, they have definitely imported aspects of other people’s cultures. We see it in their dress, their religions, and even in minor things like Shuri spouting memes or T’Chaka being…
Yeah.... Too many folks aren’t actually looking at what’s going on here, and just going with, “throw everyone under the bus without a thought.”
What’s the big deal? I thought this was America? What, we can’t send death threats to people now?
I think it’s adorable that Steeple thinks anyone gives a shit about what he thinks on anything.
heh That is pretty classic.
That’s freaky, because I also agree with me! :p
Stone has always been a pretty hardcore libertarian, near as I can tell (though he’s been pretty coy about it), which explains a lot of the jokes in the show that fall flat. I’ll admit, I still enjoy South Park from time to time, but once the libertarian in Stone comes out in the writing, the funny tends to die pretty…