
And there in lies their failure to understand comedy. Obviously, there are no hard rules” with comedy, but there are certain guidelines you can follow to start out. The president falling down a flight of stairs because he’s a klutz is funny because he’s powerful and of a high class, so something “normal” and

Exactamundo. This is the end result of letting the crazies and Fox News pundits have more and more say within the GOP, and it’s nice to see them slowly devour themselves in a civil war entirely of their own creation. The fact that the entire nation saw the GOP fully throw themselves behind a guy like Moore and lose is

The election is coming from inside the house!
Seriously, this was a big win. It shouldn’t have even been this close, but I’m gonna take what I can get, and keep pushing.

Even Haim Saban doesn’t even think these morons can bring about about peace in the middle east, and that guy made the Power Rangers.

Yeah, I gotta know the story behind that one. We’ve been told from day one that these tweets are 100% him and should take it as such, except for this one time. I don’t see that going well in court. Dowd must love Trump to be willing to fall on his sword so spectacularly here.

Oh, it’ll get worse. Much worse.

Seriously, this morning has made my month already. They have all got to be freaking the fuck out now, and I guarantee that Trump will have a very public meltdown every day from here on out.

Yup. We still have a long ass ways to go, but this is pretty much it for the administration.

Things have heated up with the updates. Trump will have a fucking meltdown today, easily.

Oh, he’s singing. There’s no way in hell he would agree to plead guilty on this if he wasn’t working with Mueller.

The lesson learned? Don’t fuck with baby sea turtles, apparently. We could all stand to be more like baby sea turtles.

Now playing

I’ve felt like these pissed off sea turtles every day for months now.

Heh I love the Jill Stein dummies attacking me. God bless the “dismiss” button, you pack of sister fucking mouth breathers.

Susan Serandon has no regrets. Bless her heart.


This is legitimately dangerous behavior from the POTUS. This could get someone killed.

It seems to go along with his love of trolling. I saw a few of his supporters on Twitter fully aware of it being a lie, but absolutely loving it. How his lies make dirty liberal angry, and that’s good enough for them. I never thought I would see the day when known falsehoods would be embraced like some sort of

Jesus titty-fucking Christ, this is a fucking abomination. Who the fuck cooks like this? What the shit? No seasoning? No saving of the water from the pasta? No olive oil at all? Garlic? I know you want simple, but there is a difference between simple and bad and lazy.

She’s like a nice pair of shoes or a great jacket to him. Something pretty to trot out for people to see how successful and wealthy he is.

You are correct.